Chapter 14

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Stephens POV

It was the next morning, about 9:30ish in the morning. I sat at the dining room table with peppermint tea tucked in between my palms, patiently waiting to greet Tony. That's when I heard Sophie's panting and footsteps trot down the steps alongside Tony. "Morning, Stark." I greeted.

"Morning, Strange." He responded.

I saw him walk towards a cabinet where the cereal boxes would have been placed. This time I decided to make him a bit happier this morning. I picked up the box and levitated it inside the cabinet. Tony grabbed it almost immediately, then he reached for the fridge and grabbed the milk. Sophie walked him over to the dining room table and he slammed the box down. He stared down at my direction and asked, "What is this. What's in this box." Tony shook it a few times.

"Looks like frosted flakes to me, Tony." I responded, going back to my tea.

He looked at me shocked, then looked at the box and shook it. "Did you do this..."

"Nope. You picked that out yourself." I chuckled.

"How do I not know you're lying, Strange. I don't know what type of foolery you're up to. Are you sure you aren't lying to me?"

I sighed. "Why would I lie to you." I nodded my head and continued to sip my coffee.

Tony looked over at the box, then sat down. How long is it going to take him to realize he doesn't have a bowl? Who knows. Maybe he's so happy about finally picking out cereal that he can't even eat. I sat my tea down and looked up at Tony who was praising Sophie. "Tony." I called.

He didn't move his focus from Sophie, but he still answered, "Yea Doc!" He smiled.

"Would you like to go out of the house today? Like maybe to a restaurant near by." I offered.

Tony rested his head on one hand and continued patting Sophie in the head. "I don't know, Stephen. What about-"

"Steve?" I finished.

Tony looked at my direction. "Yea. Steve. Always seems to ruin my happiness." He sighed.

"Steve won't bother you while I'm around, Tony. I won't let him. And if I fail to do that, just don't let anything he says bother you. If you completely ignored Steve and his prescence, he'd get tired of it. So, why don't we take a break from stress and worrying and we can go eat at the Cheesecake Factory nearby."

Tony smiled and looked at me, directly this time. "Is this a date, Stephen?"

I got up from my seat and rolled up my sleeves. "Whatever you want to call it, Tony." I smiled walking to the front door and signaled my cloak to comr along. "Are you coming?" I asked.

Tony stood up with the box and milk jug in his hand. "Yup, let me just, put this stuff away, get ready, and we can go."


We had made it to the Cheesecake factory with no trouble at all so far. We walked and chatted and that's about it. Personally I think this will go well.

I walked up to the front of the restaurant and held the door open for him. We had walked in and immedietly scanned the whole place. I turned slightly towards my cloak and whispered. "Scan the area for, Steve. If you see him report back to me immedietly." They drifted off my shoulders, "nodded", then drifted away.

I looked back at the front counter, setting my focus to the employee. "Hello and welcome to the cheesecake factory! Would you like a table for 2 sir?" She smiled.

"Ah, yes please." I answered.

"Alright sir there is a table over near the first window you can take a seat over there! And you sir might I ask what the service dog is for?"

Tony looked up, confused. "Oh um, I'm blind. I need the dog to navigate." He answered.

"Ohhhh okay! I'll give you a special menu you can just wait over at your seat!"

"Oh wait I d-" Then the employee had went to the back already.

I looked down at Tony and smiled. I placed my hand on his back and signaled him to our table. "I'll help you with the menu." I volenteered.

As we sat down the wait handed us both out menus. Tony picked his up and ran his fingers against the plastic. "You can read Braille?" I asked.

"No... I don't know what I'm doing, or what I'm looking at." Tony slammed the menu down and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Hey don't stress about it. Do you want me to help you?"

"No no I got it, Stephen."

"Do you really? You're a blind man who can't read Braille and is trying to read the menu. What will you get from that?" I replied.

I regret saying that. Tony gave me this look indescribable. It did hurt my heart, a lot so. I saw my cloak float over to the table and onto me. That's a relief.

I put my focus back on Tony who had his head on the table. I sighed and balanced my head on my hand. "Tony..." I called softly. "We don't have to order anything too special we can just order coffee and dessert and call it a day." I suggested.

Tony pulled the menu over his head and looked up at my eyes. His eyes... They are so breath-taking. "Gosh your eyes are so pretty..." I mumbled.

As soon as I mumbled that his head perked up. I forgot when one human sense is gone all the other ones immediently become twice as strong.

He stared at me for sometime, then clung onto the menu and smiled. "Stephen you know I heard that...!" His voice becoming so soft.

"I forgot how good your hearing was.." I spoke awkwardly.

"It's...alright...!" Tony picked up his hand. It was shaking, but I could tell it wasn't fear. His hand reached closer and closer to my face. I picked up both my hand and placed his against my cheek. He sunk his fingers into my hair and padded his thumb on my lips. "Stephen..." He softly whispered.

I sank my head into his hand and closed my eyes. That's when I heard a "spark" noise. I slowly opened my eyes then Tony quickly pulled his hand from my cheek. "S-Stephen what's going on??"

I looked at his arm terrified. I-is thst me? Am I doing that? What's happening?? "Stephen what the hell did you do to me. What's happening? M-my arm is shaking and it hurts what's going on?? What did you do to me, Strange."

"I don't know what's going on, Tony. I am just as confused as you are!!" I hollered. At this point, we were making the biggest scene possible.

"What the hell did you do... What did you do...Stephen." Whatever was surrounding his arm shot up to both of his eyes. Tony rolled his eyes back and dropped into my arms. I collapses to the floor and held him close, figuring out what the hell I'm going to do.

What have I done.

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