Chapter 20

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Tony's POV

It was about 11 in the morning, it was so calm too. Sipping coffee with Sophie in my lap and my head laid on Stephens shoulder. I really can't see how things could get better, this is perfect. I may even be able to fight again, something I haven't been able to do in years. There are many things I can do right now like go use my phone, walk Sophie without having to depend on her, you know what, I can do stuff on my own without people asking me if I need help. I know I'm at this point repeating myself but words cannot explain how happy I am to get my eye site back. "You plan on going out the house today, Stark." Stephen asked.

"Like where?" I replied.

"Well." Stephen sat his coffee on the coffee table in front, then continued, "Don't you want to choose where to go? For 2 years I'm guessing Peter always chose where you guys went because you couldn't."

"How about we walk around the neighborhood with Sophie?" I said.

"Doesn't sound like a bad idea," Stephen smiled. 

"Alright I'll go upstairs and get ready." I said.

I gently push Sophie off my lap and walked up the stairs to my bedroom door. I wasn't going to put anything too special on. Just a coat, gloves, a hat, and a scarf. It's below freezing outside and I'm not the type of person that likes extremely cold weather. All thought I do prefer this over it being extremely hot, but I'm not walking outside with just a sweater. I grabbed another hat and scarf then raced down the stairs. When I reached the bottom step and Stephen looked at what I was holding, "Oh I don't need that, To-"

"What the hell makes you think it's for you?" I interrupted, walking over to Sophie.

I crouched down and began wrapping a scarf around her neck. I felt Stephen walk over me and kneel down. "So let me get this straight, you're putting a scarf and a hat on a dog. Why?"

"Dogs can get cold too asshole,"

"Dogs have fur, dumbass." 

"You have hair, what's the difference." 

"My hair isn't all over my body, genius."

"But doesn't she look cute in it?" I stood up, putting her on the spot.

Stephen stared at her for a bit, then rolled his eyes and laughed. "Let's go, Stark." He nodded his head and opened the door. 

I jumped up with Sophie's leash in my hand. I eyed at what Stephen was wearing, doesn't look warm, but I realize he was missing his cloak. "So you're not bringing that cape thing you always seem to wear?"

Stephen nodded his head no, "They don't like the cold."

They? The hell? "They? Like it's a person? It's a piece of clothing why are you calling it a "they?""

"It has a mind of it's own. Since a cloak is a "piece of clothing" it doesn't have any male or female features, so I use they. Also I think it would be rude to just call them "it"." Stephen explained.

Hm, makes since, I guess. There's a lot of weird stuff in this universe honestly so I'm not so shocked. After a few seconds we finally walked outside and my eyes widened. The snow was so relaxing and it was unnaturally quiet outside, but I wasn't complaining. Our neighborhood is typically a loud one because we have a lot of dogs and kids here, but since everybody was at school it was quiet. There were a lot of police cars, about 4 ambulances, and a fire truck, but they all passed the neighborhood, so I didn't think too much about it. Yes it's a lot going on where ever they're headed, but this is my day off. 

I stepped down the stairs and jumped next to Stephen. "Let's go left." I pointed. I sighed and looked down at the ground. I perked my head up and scanned the neighborhood, I saw many different snowmen in each front yard. You can really tell which house has kids depending on how the snowman was built. It was nice to see something like that, make's me want to have a kid of my own. Speaking of a kid... "Hey Strange." 

Without turning my way he replied, "Stark?"

"Have you ever wanted a kid?" 

"Do you want to adopt Peter?" How is he going to just call me out like that? I gave him the most confused face when he said that, how did he know I was talking about wanting a kid? "How did you-"

"Peter wanted us to adopt him if you survived the spell. He told me you were like a dad to him and having two would be "pretty cool". Since you survived, I think it wouldn't be too bad of an idea." Stephen smiled. 

"You've known the kid for what, a week maybe even two, and you would be okay with adopting him?" 

"It took me 1 day at your house to fall in love with you, Tony." Stephen... That, wizard, I love him, so much.

After walking about 4-5 blocks away from the house we made a decision to walk back. It was getting a bit cold anyways and snow was starting to fall. "This was nice." I stated.

"Of course it was." 

I cocked my head up at him, confused. "What do you mean of course?"

"Every second I spend with you is a blessing,Tony."  Stephen spoke softly. 

"Could you go a minute without complimenting me, Strange."

"Alright I will, Sunshine." I sighed and put my head in my palm. Oh Stephen...

I love him so much.

"Oh, Tony..." | IronstrangeWhere stories live. Discover now