Chapter 2:

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Connie and Sasha sat together, already talking about what their plans are for after school. Mikasa had managed to find..Or maybe score herself a seat by herself which she just looked out the window. Armin found Eren (running late as always) and sat by him.

The bus was loud, everyone talking to the people next to them.
The girl and boy, Connie and Sasha both sat across to the side from me and where in deep conversation.
She listened into the words they where sharing.
Hell. They are talking about food and after school,
I wouldn't believe it- weird
I found myself pondering how different everyone is in reality. My gaze drifted to the seat in-front of them. Two boys sat there, one black hair but freckled on the cheeks, and the other....they had almost ash colored hair and best described as a horse face.
I lean forward just from slight bouts of curiosity,
The freckled one blushed innocently while the horse face looked furious. The horse spun around and stared at me dead in the eye then adverted his eyes away.
To my faint amazement the horse boy blushed.
"It's not like that"
I shrugged then sat back to look out the window, not before I stole a glance at some of the other people around.
Behind Connie and Sasha was that one blue eyed boy, Armin. He sat next to a slightly more tough looking person which he had green eyes and seemingly ruffled hair unlike his more welcome- looking friend.
Lots of people

I planned to stay quiet for the rest of the ride.

"Have you seen the new girl yet?"
Eren shook his head,
"Nah not that I know of, what's her name?"
Eren just shook his head again. I tilted my head in the direction of the girl to try to direct his attention. Eren finally caught on and looked.
"Well she looks depressed and lonely"
I snapped my head back at him,
"SHHH don't say stuff like that"
Eren rolled his eyes,
"Oh yeah like the girl is going to beat me up. I say what I want anyways,"
I frowned,
"Again don't say stuff like that"
I huffed, exasperated,
"Eren to be honest I'm pretty sure that girl is able to break someone's bone in a heartbeat if she wanted"
Again, Eren seemed to not be taking any of this seriously.
"Doubt itttt"
I grabbed Eren's phone to grab his attentions back.
"She is not the person to make enemies with. I'm warning you. She gives off a...different vibe if you haven't noticed"
At last I seemed to have gotten through to Eren.
"Fine, okay-"
I smiled a bit triumph-ally
"Good cause we are going to introduce her to everyone"
My friend's green eyes stared at me wirily,
"When did you decide this?"
"Just now"
Before we could continue our conversation the bus driver turned up the radio. The unmatched voices seemed to all go into a singing sync within a minute. It amazes me sometimes how a single song can get almost the whole bus singing.Hm
"Lately I've been, I've been loosing sleep. Dreaming about the things that we could be- "
The voices filled the bus and after a bit, the need to be included took over and go my slight horror, started singing.
Still, I glanced around.
I barely even listen to music.
Connie and Sasha where screaming, Marco was singing a bit while Jean tried his best, Mikasa, her mouth was slightly open from what it seems like awe.
A new voice started to mingle with the rest. It was instantly familiar and oddly enough, pretty.
She's singing!
Barely could get her to talk.
Odd one

Holding my food, I glanced around trying to find a spot. I recognized the people who met me at the bus-stop and Sasha, so called name turned to look at me and waved.
"Hey scary girl come sit over here!"
I stared questioningly at her for a few moments then walked over to sit down.
"Hey!" Connie greeted.
"Oh. Hi everyone?" I answered.
I recognized the freckled and ash horse face boys as well.
"She speaks" Grumbled the another kid.
Suddenly, I felt a arm wrap around my shoulder and rolled my eyes
"Better no one be harassing my sister" A deep voice growled beside me. The majority of the table froze and Levi scowled.
"Levi I I'm fine."
My brother then sat up and scanned over the table.
"Ok. And don't give me attitude"
I sighed,
"Sure, whatever"
Then, just as quickly as he came Levi left around the corner and down the hall.
"Sister?" The same green eyed boy questioned, his eyes wide. I just nodded to conform. Armin whispered something in his ear and the the boy glared back at him. The whole table was looking now. I just started eating.

Authors stuff:
Pretty much I was bored and I found a lack of fanfics I have not read and I remembered this ...
Also sorry for the lack of quality I'm tired and yeeeeee
Fanfic wise,
"Ha, GAAAYEE" or whatever from Mikasa was from a meme thing I saw once probably everyone picked up but I MIghT AS wEll ThOw OuT thEre
I just feel in a writing mood :/)))

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