Chapter 4:

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  So here is another short chapter!
I'm on break now and so hopefully can come out with chapters more often
Hope y'all enjoy

Like every other day I was behind the counter, brewing and preparing meals. The family and friend ran business was small, yes, but at least got be enough money to stay alive. Levi joined his girlfriend in making a small café that I and I few others worked for. Originally, I didn't even know Hanji, but now she was a part of our broken family.
Lately I have noticed a definite decrease in customers though. There was only a few people that seemed to come by often, Historia and Yimir, and once in a while the school classmates.
The thing is after earlier everything seemed off-putting, to make it worse, Levi and Hanji had said that they may need to stop this business because we weren't making enough to pay for everything.
It was a very surreal concept.
When Hanji walked up to me I knew what was coming.
"Mikasa...You are an amazing employee...And I sincerely apologize, but I'm afraid that I have to let go a few employees..I'm not even sure if this is going to work out"
"It's fine I understand"
Just like that, I left.
What am I going to do now?
Rent is due soon right, am I even able to get back tonight?

Walking around town cityish area there where no signs for open places that got my interest. Hopelessness set in quickly when the sun dipped low, sending fiery marks through the sky. Quietly, I slipped to the ground and curled up my head into my knees and pressed my back to a stone building. The cold of the stone seeping into my bones as it started to drizzle, sending shudders down my spine. Rain sprinkling the ground and starting to create small streams of wet hair and drops down my face. The rain seeming to make fun of me- or maybe pity, and starting to fall to the earth harder.
The apartment is to far. And right now is not the time to be in that area.
I roar of thunder erupted like a lion, accompanied by another piece of nature's powerful deadly music.
Emotionally and physically tired, I closed my eyes and let the rain and shadows engulf me, my body temperature at an all time low.
How did it go from first day of school, meeting some new people, to building a weird dare I say losing my job and probably home
I couldn't feel the difference between the rain running down my face from the probable tears.
You could have imagined the shock I felt when in the distance I saw a small figure in the rain of all places after coming back because of Jeans irritable whining.
"I told you I saw something"
Jean's voice was slightly drowned out by the weather.
I waved the boy off, ignoring when he grumbled in vexation. The short temper seemed to be coming mainly from just being scared.
Heedful of my actions I slowly walked to the dark colored silhouette.
It didn't move, not tell I was a few feet away. It was tell then that it shifted, showing itself as a person.
"What the heck do you want now?"
Shock forced me a step back.
"Who do you think it is?"

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