🍋Akefia x Reader lemon🍋

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I hissed in pain , after falling and tripping over my own feet. After being chased for so long my legs burn. I struggle to get up , and lean up against the wall . I finally got my balance back and started running again only to snatched and turned around to face the thing I was running from. His purple orbs stared into mine and he smirked. "I don't believe you have something to belongs to me hm" he You said licking his lips in amusement.

I smile at him and struggle out of his grip , holding onto the millennium eye . "I don't think I do , now do me a favor and let me go" I said in annoyance. He looks down at me , checking me out in an instance. "Even if you don't , why would I let a pretty thing like you out of my grasp" he said tightening his grip as I started to push against him. I dropped the eye in my pocket , and slapped him. He let go and growled and I started running again, how come it's always me in situations like this.

I heard the lost souls of Akefia village , right behind me, screaming in anger. All though Akefia's Diabound was no where to be seen. Well until I saw it in front of me about to pounce . I stopped to a complete halt , Akefia companions surrounding me. I turned around to see Akefia , a pissed off Akefia at that. He walked up to me, I didn't move , didn't need to either , I was stuck and I knew that. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him directly in the eye. "You'll pay for that dearly". I laugh "Go ahead and hurt me Akefia I have been in more pain imaginable".

He smirked at me. "Ah yes , I know of all the pain you have endured, but this punishment is going to be pleasurable" he purred throwing me over his shoulder. "It's always pleasure with you isn't it" I mumbled remembering the past times we have ... gotten acquainted. He laughs "Can't help being addicted to your candy pet". "At least carry me properly!" I yelled at him. "Bridal style is for gentle things , what we're going to be doing is going to be rough".

I cover my face , hiding my blush , remembering how rough and loud we could get together. His hand was around my waist to keep me up , but keep getting lower. "Akefia!" I scowled , he hmed in amusement . "Put me down !" "Fine" he said dropping me to floor . I walked in front of him, his arm around my waist. "Do you remember your way dear?" asked Akefia teasing me . I huffed and looked down " Of course I do , I'm not stupid". "Then lead the way" he said pushing me in front of him. I walk all the way to his throne room.

"Are you going to give it to me , or are you going to fight me like usual" asked Akefia. "The only reason you want to have the millennium items is because your Zorc's little bitch, he tells you to do something you do it!" . He looked at me and smirked "Wrong my dear , he's my partner , but you wanna know who's my bitch" he stepped forward and I stepped back. I turnt to run but was picked up like I was sone toy. He ran into the room next to throne room , throwing me into the bed like a rag doll , crawling on top of me.

"I believe even you can tell me who it is" he said growling in excitement. He takes off his jacket almost immediately, throwing it somewhere in the room. "Absolutely you" I said feeling his hands grab my inner thigh and pull me in to him. Face to face , watching his lips curl into a smirk. "We'll see" he purred leaning his head into my neck starting gently to nibble and bite away at it. I growled and gently pulled his hair , he started out teasing me , no fair. He glowered back up at me that smirk still in his face . He bit down roughly on my neck , my head leaning back giving him more areas to ravish .

Quickly small purple and blue bruises trailed down my neck , bringing small amounts of blood with them. That wet muscular inside of his mouth though decided to clean the bloody mess he made , by trailing his tongue on the places . He pulled away from me licking his lips , coming towards my fave this time . I quickly slammed my lips onto his , hungrily wanting more of him . Pushing him down on his back. "I thought you said you were going to be rough" I said glaring at him. He rolled his eyes trailing his hand behind my neck smashing me into his lips . Molding them with mine , roughly pushing against my body chest to chest , I could already feel his boned through his cloths.

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