Chapter 2

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As me and Kenzie were walking to our next class andsearching for someone, everybody was waving and smiling at me.  Kenzie was alittle embarrassed, she hates attention. Me on the other hand i can tolerate it, Im just naturally use to it. Then we spotted the person we were looking for.

"SHAUNDI!!!" I yelled really loud, making Kenzie cringe. Shaundi is kinda taller than me with a thick curly haired afro. Now Shaundi is the exact opposite of Kenzie. She was loud and loved attention. She's the fashionista of the group. Where Kenzie usually wears nice dresses, Shaundie is just out there and colorful.  And its just like cat and mouse with them.

"ASHAAA!!!!! and oh Kenzie" She yelled, walking towards us.

"You just have to do the most don't you" says Kenzie

"Actually yes, yes I do thank you very much." Shaundi says 

"Guys guys come on its the first day of school calm down." I say

"On three yell your next class." I say "1, 2, 3!"

"MATH!!" we all yell at the same time.

"Yay!" I say doing my dance from earlier, its like salsa mixed with the chicken dance.

"First, one there is a rotten eggs." She says slowing down.

"Shouldn't it be the last one there is a rotten egg." Kenzie says confused

"No shit sherlok but who wants to be in class on time." Shaundi says annoyed

Just as she said that the bell rang and we were nowhere near class. We took the next 10 minutes moving in slow motion to see who could be the last one to class and spent 5 minutes seeing who would walk in class first. Knowing Shaundi she pushed Kenzie in first.

"Hey!" Kenzie yelled as she almost fell.

Me and Shaundi were to busy having a stare off to see who would walk in first. I don't know why i even tried because i hate stare offs especially with Shaundi.  She makes these weird faces and bulges her eyes out.

I gave up and walked in class.

"I win!!" Shaundi yelled doing MY dance, the nerve.

"Whatever" Me and Kenzie say at the same time as we take the only seat next to eachother. Making Shaundi have to seat on the otherside of the class.

"Now thats cold" She says as she pushess the boy out of the seat next to me and sits down.

"And who are you ladies." The teacher said. To be honest I didnt even notice she was here.

" Well im Grumpy, this is Happy" Pointing to Kenzie " and this Dopey" i say pointing to Shaundi.

"Why can't I be Dopey?" Kenzie questioned

"Cause im cooler than you." Shaundi states very seriously

"Now you're real names please" the teacher says slightly irritated

"Im Kenzie and this is Asha" Kenzie says pointing to me

"And thats Shaundi" Kenzie say waving her hand 

"Well i'm Mrs. Miles" She states.

That day went by very slowly, but its time for lunch my favorite thing about school, except for art and gym. We entered the lunch room got our lunches and walked outside to our spot under a big oak tree. I felt eyes on me, i looked around and didnt see anybody. When i looked around again I saw a man in the distance but when i blinked he was gone. I thought i was seeing things so i didn't mention it.

After lunch it was time for english which I have with Shaundi. Kenzie has science. We did the " First one there is a rotten egg game" but I won this time. After english, I had science then art then gym. When I got to art I took the first table directly in the middle of class. Art was the only class I actually paid attention in.

Kenzie sat in the seat next to me and class started. Shaundi doesn't have art she has drama, it fits her. Our first assignment was something that ment the most to us. I instantly started drawing my mom, my little brother and sister, Kenzie and Shaundi. I've been told i'm a very good artist. Kenzie drew me and her little sister, there was another girl that looked just like her. When I asked about it she just shrugged. 

Last was gym, which we all had together.

"Are you going to the dance this weekend" Kenzie asked

"I am!" Shaundi sang

"Well of course you're going, you just want to show off your fashion skills" Kenzie says

"Well I guess im going" I say plainly

After school, I got in my car and went home and layed down on the couch only to be attacked by my little brother and sister their twins.

"I love you guys" I say hugging them.


Second chapter was it good? or bad?

What their wearing is on the side

More updates coming soon


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