Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Andy’s POV

                We were spending the night on the bus tonight. After the concert we got on the bus and we immediately left, trying to get a head start. Blaine was still awake, watching late night TV and we checked Emerald’s bunk to see if she was there and she was, she was asleep. I felt like pranking her but I was too tired from the concert that I just threw that idea in the trash. We were heading to Las Vegas for tomorrows show. It was only a 4 hour drive but we wanted to have some time off before the concert tomorrow. I climbed into my bunk and I passed out till we reached Las Vegas.

Emerald’s POV:

                I woke up first and I told the driver to stop so I could get breakfast for everyone at the nearby doughnut place. I bought 15 doughnuts and I gave one to the driver so the guys didn’t take all of them and eave the driver none- the driver was quite nice, he deserved a doughnut. A bit later they all woke up and they had a doughnut- I made sure they left some for Blaine because we all know how much Blaine adores doughnuts.

                Then Blaine got up and she had a doughnut and then they were all gone. So much for the doughnuts. John’s phone rang and he answered it and he sounded worried. “Alright.” He sighed and hung up?

                “What up John?” Andy asked.

                “The band that plays before you guys canceled- the lead vocalist ripped a vocal cord and he can’t sing.” John said.

                “Emerald could play.” Andy said. I almost choked on air when I heard that. Me playing on a huge stage? Nobody knew my name and they would probably boo me. I mean I had about four original songs but that’s it.

                “How could I play?” I say as I stood up from where I was sitting.

                “Emerald your amazing- you can do this.” He assured me.

                “Do you have an acoustic?” I asked. I already knew they did but if they knew I knew they had an acoustic they would know I have been snooping around places I shouldn’t

                “Yeah Jinxx has one, Jinxx?” Andy asked and Jinxx turned his head. “Can Emerald borrow your acoustic?” He asked and Jinxx nodded. “Then it’s settled- you will play your original songs tonight.” Andy said. I took the acoustic and I went to the empty part of the bus and started to practice. I played my first song, Dear My Past.

((Fun Fact I wrote a song called Dear My Past XD))

                I sat on the couch and I began to play. “Dear My Past, Where were you to tap me on the shoulder…” I continued to sing and strum and I soon was in the song and I could see me preforming it from a third person view. I finished the song and I realized Jake was sitting on the couch across from me. “Ah God you scared me!” I laughed and I pretended as if I wasn’t singing a minute ago.

                “Your amazing Emerald, why have you never thought of a singing career?” He asked.

                “I just didn’t have the opportunity- I was in a poor orphanage. The last thing they would do is try to get me a record deal.” I said and Jake nodded.

                “Got to wait for that opportunity to knock at your front door.” He smiled.

                “I don’t have a front door.” I said jokingly. “I had the lobby of the orphanage.” I said, trying to sound serious but I ended up just laughing hysterically. Jake joined in and soon we were both on the ground, laughing our asses off. Andy walked in to see how I was doing and he just walked out when he saw us. We probably looked like maniacs. 

                We walked into the venue and I was given the dressing room that would have been for the band that should have come. I walked in and I immediately started to practice. I was coming on in an hour- I was a nervous wreck. I went over and I got myself changed into a leather jacket, pre-ripped skinny jeans, combat books, an AC/DC muscle tank top, and a few necklaces. I ended up ditching the jacket because it was hard to move my arms in it. I redid my hair and did the teasing and even touched up my roots a bit. I straightened my hair again and I did my makeup more dramatic. Soon they called me to get on stage and I followed. My heart was racing and I thought I was going to faint.

                But I didn’t. I made it on stage and I sat down in a stool they brought in for me. I set up the microphone for my guitar and the one for my voice and I was ready. “Hi Guys! I’m Emerald Hutchens and I’m going to play a few songs for you all tonight.” I smiled and I started to strum the intro to Dear my Past. “This one is called Dear My Past.” I said and I looked down at my guitar and made sure I pressed the right strings.

                “Dear My Past, Where have you been to tap my on the shoulder?” I sang.

                “Maybe you could have warned me down the road, I didn’t think life would be living hell.” I sang and I could see people swaying their arms in the air. I soon wasn’t nervous or afraid- I just kept singing and then I played another song, and another and then before I knew it I was cued off stage and I was in the back being congratulated by Andy and Blaine.

                “You did amazing!” Blaine said after the guys have left to go on stage to perform.

                “I guess.” I said as we went down to the lobby where a few fans were sitting. They saw me and they quickly ran over.

                “Oh my god your Emerald Hutchens and your Blaine Michaels!” One girl said excitedly.

                “That would be us.” I smiled.

                “Your Andy Biersack’s sister’s right?” The other girl asked.

                “Yup.” I smiled, popping the ‘p’.

                “I’m Sammy, you did amazing on stage by the way.” The first girl smiled.

                “Thank you so much!” I smiled. She asked for a picture with us and I nodded. My security guard took the photo and I uploaded to Instagram and tagged her in it. “We have to go watch our brother perform- stay awesome.” I said and we gave them both hugs and we walked off and into the crowd. We went to the front so we didn’t get mauled by the mosh pit. Sense I am super light-weight (By the way I am like 115- It’s SUPER unhealthy) Blaine lifted me up on her shoulders which was pretty fun.

                I’ve probably said this a million times but I have only been with these guys for about 2 months and I was having the time of my life. I was sitting on my best friends shoulders, watching my big brother on stage- my big brother! I never thought I would ever say that.

                Soon the concert ended and I took one last insane selfie on Blaine’s shoulders and we left the venue. We got in the bus and I just pulled on a pair of pajama pants and a nonmatching tank top and I slipped into bed. 

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