~Chapter 3~

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Authors Notes:
Chapter 3 is here my friends...
I hope you enjoy it....

"Anyway- You said you needed help with the article?" Kevin asked looking down awkwardly. He secretly had been what he calls "shipping" them from the moment they had started dating. When he looked down she saw the smirk lurk upon his face.
"Umm, Yeah But I'm good now actually.I had a lot of ideas and I think I have it sorted.... so , Pops?" She suggested.

Jughead and Kevin swapped glances and nodded simultaneously.

Kevin and Jughead went to the coat rack and picked up their jackets as they waited for the blonde. She sat back down and typed her last sentence and quickly shut her computer down. She looked around and realised she had forgotten her bag.
"Jug?" She asked, she widened her eyes and gave him the puppy dog eyes she knew he couldn't resist.
"Yes my love?" He smugly smiled as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Give me your bag please?" She said to him with her eyes fluttering.
"Betty," He laughed almost as if she was being dramatic "Of course you can..what did you think? That I was going to bite."
"I wish..." She mumbled under her breath, but he heard. He looked at her with narrowing eyes and big grin as we winked at her.
"Later.." He whispered.
She giggled quietly to herself as she shoved her laptop in his bag. She grabbed Jughead's hand and walked out of the "Blue and Gold".

They headed out to Pops in the cold breeze.The sun had set and the moon was resting in its place. The stars were dim that evening. Betty walked along the tracks, her hand in Jughead's hand and his in hers. Their hands fit together like a complicated jigsaw puzzle. It was like their whole lives they had been trying to find the last piece of the puzzle to complete the jigsaw and even though it took them almost 16 years to find the right fit when they did they never let go...

As they walked their fingers intertwined, curling round one another, his thumb stroked the side of her hand as their locked fingers held on to each other's. They looked at each other with the 'heart-eyes' and laughed quietly about it.
"It's so annoying, you two are so cute. Where is Fangs when you need him?"  Kevin said as he watched us walk along, he wasn't the jealous type he was the most loving person in the world. Fangs is Kevin's' boyfriend they only recently got together but they were already so cute.

" Oh yeah how's it going with Fogarty?" Jughead said, him and Fogarty "Fangs" were both serpents along with Sweet pea, Toni and many more. Sweet Pea, Toni, Fangs and Jughead were all best friends. It was so cute to see Jughead finally happy with his friends. He had never felt like he belonged so when he met the Serpents who were just like him he finally found some people, other than Betty of course, who he actually fit in with.
"It's Good. Taking it slow. I actually asked him to meet us at Pops." Kevin said with a wide smile on his face.
"Great! Now it's a double date!!" Betty exclaimed as they walked into Pops.
Pops Chocklit Shoppe hit them like a wave as they walked through and stepped on to the the black and white checked linoleum floor. The hamburgers sizzling on the grill, the chocolate, the vanilla, the strawberry. The smell of oil frying wafted up our noses. They slid into a booth, Jughead and Betty on one side and Kevin on the other.


Kevin's phone chimed. He glanced down at his phone to see Fangs' name on the screen
"He's on his way." Kevin's said as he put his phone in his pocket.
Betty snuggled up into Jughead as he wrapped his long arm around her. She rested her head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her whole body. She swung both of her legs over and rested them on Jughead's lap. 
"So Betty, Jughead hows life treating you. Obviously apart from making out everywhere." Kevin laughed as he sipped through his straw and tasting the delicious strawberry milkshake.
"Kev, Come on it's not all the time. Just sometimes?" Betty said looking at Jughead and smiling. He kissed the top of her head and started tangling his fingers through her hair.

"Hey guys." Fangs walked though the diner and punched Jughead playfully as he sat down next to Kevin.
"Hey Betty." He said and he lifted his arm and wrapped it around Kevin's shoulder.
"Hey Fangs"
It was a perfect date between two happy couples the world was theirs, everything around them blurred as they talked amongst themselves. It felt as if no one else was in their presence until two unfriendly, unwanted faces walked inside. The bell rang as normal but the sound of the feet walking was different on the linoleum floor. Usually the steps were quiet and calm but these steps were like high heels as well as old sneakers. Kevin looked ahead and his face dropped as he saw Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge.

"Betty, do not look now." Kevin said dramatically.
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            I hope you enjoyed
  "Finding Happiness" chapter 3

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