-Chapter One-

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I was ten years old when I found out what I was. I knew of them before that. Of us. I knew what they were, but I didn't know I was one. I never thought much of them and their possible connect to myself. I thought the knowledge of other's feelings was just instinct, but I quickly found out that nobody could read others as I did. My mutant power is ergokinesis. I can control energy of any kind. That includes man made or natural human energy. I can read people's emotions, create energy fields, and even read minds. I hated reading minds, though. I didn't want their thoughts in my head.

The way I found out was an accident, resulting in a fire. I told them it was an accident, as it was, but kept the secret that the accident was caused by my own hands. My own finger tips. They didn't ask many questions, for they knew I wouldn't answer them. Or maybe they just didn't want the risk of hearing the truth they all suspected. The fact that I could control energy. The fact that I was a mutant.

Flashbacks hit me at random, but they usually hit me in nightmares. I hate them. The nightmares torture me by reminding me of who I really was. Reminding me that I am not normal, no matter how hard I pretend to be.

I rolled out of my bed, rubbing my eyes as I tried to wake up for the day. It was a Wednesday morning, proving to so far be another boring day. I liked boring though. Boring meant nothing bad. And nothing bad meant something good.

Quickly, I ate a banana before throwing on my Rolling Stones t-shit, Chuck Taylor Converse, and jeans and then brushed my teeth. I grabbed my bag off of the small table in the tiny kitchen area and opened the door, snapping my fingers to turn out the lights before walking out of the room. I stuck the key to the hotel room in my back pocket. I walked down the stairs from level three that my room was on, walking out the back door of the hotel. I couldn't let someone I knew see me. It would destroy my 'normal girl' image. Nobody could ever find out I'm a mutant.


The way to school was incredibly uneventful, and so was the school day, which I didn't mind. It was hard to walk through the halls of the school, it always has been. I can feel everyone's emotions by a change in their energy, which is hard on someone's mind. It is mentally and physically draining.

I looked out of the corner of my eye from standing at my locker to watch the football team pass me. One of them was nervous. Actually, most of them were nervous. What for, I wasn't sure since I refused to read minds. Another one of them was carefree, too dumb to even stress about anything. Another one stared at me with a smirk, his eyes trailing my body up and down. Tension. Sexual tension. The strong want for sexual activity. I glared at him, causing him to look away.

I rolled my eyes as I shoved the rest of my unneeded books into my locker, closing it, and heading to my next class which was advanced chemistry. But before I had the chance to walk away from my locker, I felt a new energy surge around me. It was strong and close. It was angry and jealous. To prove my suspensions, I felt a long fingernail tap on my shoulder followed by a high voice clearing their throat. I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly who it was.

"Emily," I turned around with a blank face. "What do you need?"

The short girl stood below my height by a couple inches, even wearing high heels. Her straight, black hair was thrown back behind her shoulders, showing off her face which was caked in makeup. She smiled a fake smile at me, which was obviously meant to look fake.

"I'm just here to tell you to stop making googly eyes at my boyfriend," Emily snarled.

"Oh, boyfriend huh? Who are you dating this week?" I smirked in sarcasm. She narrowed her eyes.

"Martin Sween," she answered, flipping her hair over her shoulder. I sighed and rolled my eyes. It was the football player who stared at me; and every girl for that matter.

"I don't really count glaring as googly eyes, but whatever you say," I shrugged, stepping past her and starting to walk away. She grabbed my shoulder and tried to push me back, which she wasn't able to do since I am much stronger and taller than her. She gave up pushing, but kept her hand on my shoulder as if to assert dominance.

"Just stop spending your time staring at him, got it?" She tilted her head with a fake smile. I mimicked her look.

"Got it, although I suggest you spend more of your time creating a relationship that lasts long enough to the point where you can actually trust the guy not to stare at every ass of a girl he sees in the hallway. Now, while you wallow away here in self pity, I'm going to go spend my time wisely and get to advanced chemistry," I have her one last fake smile before pushing past her, starting to walk away.

My head was suddenly turned by a calm energy, yet it was also full of adrenaline at the same time. I turned my head to see a silver haired boy starting at me with a smirk. He was...impressed. He continued to stare, unaffected by how I noticed. I turned, continuing to walk away, pushing the silver haired boy out of my mind.

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