Crimson Cage - Cage Series Book 2

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The night was cool and relaxing. Wyatt sat alone on the porch of his cabin staring at the stars while gently rocking in a wooden chair. His mind dwelt on Michelle and the brief time he spent with her, going over every moment as if it were yesterday. From their first meeting in the woods to their defeat of Damon only a few days later, he could recall every second – some much better than others. There was a longing in his heart to see her again, to hold her once more. It was amazing he was able to resist her that night he almost gave in to his passion. Aside from the Holy Trinity, an angel is the purist being there is, nearly impossible for a human to resist. However, Wyatt knew he was given strength for a reason, and though he so badly wanted to give into his desire, it was not for angels to do. Somehow, deep down, he knew that to be true.

He never thought he would find love. He wasn't the kind who had ever been with a woman longer than a month or two, Aimee was the only exception. However, God had other plans for him, Wyatt's heart was meant for another. As he sat on the front porch of his cabin, letting his mind drift into space, his wife, Jessica, walked up behind him, sliding her hand down his shoulder. She was gorgeous, exactly Wyatt's type. Tall and thin, light red hair, hazel eyes, and a gentle soul to tame his wild spirit. He never thought he'd settle down, but only a year after meeting Jess, their daughter Natalie was born. She was perfect, ten little fingers, ten little toes, a full head of blonde hair, and the biggest eyes he'd ever seen. Her smile could brighten even the darkest soul.

As he sat there, mesmerized by the beauty before him, Wyatt pulled Jess down onto his lap. Gently, he caressed her cheek, slowly raking his fingers through her hair. "I love you." He whispered then lightly pressed his lips to hers. "I almost gave up on love...then I met you." Jess was the only one to whom he could bare his soul, be completely vulnerable.

Jess smiled, gazing longingly into his eyes. "I could live a thousand lifetimes and never be as happy as I am in this moment, wrapped up in you." She half laid across her husband with her arms wrapped around his neck, gently stroking his dark shoulder length hair. She loved the feel of its softness, and the strength in his arms as he held her close.

The kiss she laid on him was quickly escalating from lightly burning embers into a raging wildfire. Jess was so light in his arms, it was no trouble to pick her up as he stood to his feet. The rocking chair lightly tapped the siding by the window as it was thrust back, slowly coming to a halt. However, just as he was turning to go inside, there came a weird noise from the forest just beyond the tree line. There was no wind, and all the nocturnal animals around usually vanished that time of night. Though he didn't want to stop, he set Jess down and began walking toward the edge of the yard. Staring into the darkness, a small figure began to appear. Wyatt's seemingly constant brow furrow became a little tighter as he squinted to see what appeared to be a small child. It couldn't have been older than four years, and by the looks of it, a boy. Now, how did you get way out here? Wyatt wondered. There had always been a soft spot in his heart for children. If ever there was one who needed anything or was in some kind of trouble, he didn't hesitate to help. Several times he'd helped Alec and Parker on jobs where a child was being abused or mistreated. His favorite thing to do – aside from envisioning himself beating the person to a pulp was smiling at them as he threw them behind bars – and he wasn't gentle either.

This time was no different, obviously the little man needed help. "Hey! Kid!" He yelled. The boy kept walking, hearing nothing. Wyatt made his way into the trees, running after the boy. He could see his torn clothes as though he'd been attacked by some wild animal, and his shoes were missing all together. Thankfully there was no blood – at least none visible by the dim light of the moon. "Hey, are you lost? Where are your parents?" Still, no response. He reached out, grabbing the toddler's shoulder, and spun him around.

Crimson Cage - Cage Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now