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!!Cheating warning!!


Eli was irritated that his boyfriend, Rudy, was always working. He was just never around him. All he needed was at least a text that said 'Love you' instead of nothing. Eli had even told Rudy to take a day off which resulted him getting yelled at. But whenever his boyfriend was home, he'd just sleep or just ignore him. It annoyed the hell out of Eli. He just wasn't getting enough attention from him.

Don't get him wrong, Eli did love Rudy and how much he does for him, but it just wasn't enough. This had been going on for about 6 months. Even Rudy's best friend, Marcus, had even told him to take a day off and spend it with Eli. Rudy had just said 'No' and kept working. At this point, Eli felt Marcus was his boyfriend instead of Rudy.

Marcus was always around, always texted him back, showed him so much love, and even made him feel better emotionally than Rudy has. Everyday pretty much consisted of Marcus coming into the house when Rudy left, which was around 8, then leaving, which was around 9. Today was a bit different. Rudy had told Eli in the morning that he'd come home a little bit later, which made him feel a bit more disappointed, but brushed it off. 

"When is Rudy gonna' come home?" Marcus asked, putting his hand on Eli's knee while sinking back in the couch.

"Beats me" Eli shrugged his shoulders, while he leaned onto the other male.

"What if he comes home though?"

"Then he comes back home" Eli replied, putting his hand on Marcus' crotch.

"Plus, what's life without a little bit of fun" Marcus smirked at Eli's response.

"You're saying this like we haven't done this before, but let's take this upstairs"

As the two got upstairs and into the bedroom, a certain someone had walked into the house wanting to surprise Eli.

"M-Marcus~" Eli moaned out, gripping the sheets to his bed as Marcus began to blow him. Marcus just looked at Eli right in the eyes as he bobbed his head up and down.

"Marcus~" Eli moaned out again as he began to feel a new sensation, one that he hadn't felt with his current boyfriend. Marcus sure knew how to make things magical, as he had made Eli a moaning mess at the moment.

"F-faster~" Eli begged, wanting to feel more pleasure as he was ready to reach his climax. Marcus gladly did the request as he new Eli would cum sometime soon. As Eli was about to climax, Marcus had stopped what he was doing. "Why-Why did you stop?" Eli panted out. Marcus started to laugh "Just to tease you".

Eli frowned at that "Aren't I your baby?" 

Marcus placed his hands on Eli's thighs and gave it a good squeeze. He didn't say anything, but just stared at Eli's body. What a beautiful body, Marcus thought.

"I don't see why he would ignore you" He ignored the other question "If I were him, I'd give you all the attention you want"

"Then show me" Eli opened his legs even wider than before.

Marcus looked into Eli's eyes. Lust and romance. Those where the two things you could see. Without saying a word, Marcus' lips latched onto Eli's neck. God why is his neck so nice, Marcus thought. Just the sight of hickeys on Eli's soft, smooth, white complexion made him go wild. Eli tangled his fingers in Marcus' soft as he felt soft lips on his neck which made him groan.

"G-go inside of me please" Marcus didn't stop leaving hickeys until he felt satisfied with his job.

"Do you want to be prepared?" Eli was eager, you could see it in his face

"Just get something inside of me!" he shouted.

"That wasn't my question mi amor" Eli went silent "Just fuck me!" Marcus shook his head no "Just tell me what you want"

"I want you to fuck me until I can't walk!" 

Marcus nodded his head, signaling it as a yes "This will hurt" Marcus shoved his dick all the way up Eli's asshole.

"Ahhh~" Eli screamed out. That was the most pain and pleasure he had ever received in one go. A couple of seconds later, Eli's eyes started to fill with tears.

"W-why does it hurt so much?" his voice quivered. Without sliding out of Eli, Marcus pushed a strand of hair out of the other boys eye, revealing his beautiful hazel eyes filled with tears.

"It's not your fault" It pretty much was "You're doing so good baby, just tell me when to move"

As Eli sniffled again, he said "Move" in a quiet tone. Marcus started to pick up his pace, thrust after thrust. Soon after, Eli began to be a moaning mess again. In the room you could only hear skin slapping and moans, or groans, coming from one or the other.

"Faster" Eli managed to say in between moans. Marcus picked up the speed and soon later Eli let out a little squeal while he cummed, Marcus following after.

The two guys both fell into the bed, their legs giving up on them. "Did you enjoy it?" Marcus questioned while the younger one groaned.

"Why does my ass hurt so much?" He mumbled "Because I didn't prepare you"

"But still- is that your cum in me?" Eli picked up his fingers, and showed it to Marcus. 

Marcus slightly chuckled and started to put the blanket over Eli but stopped in his tracks when the door slammed over.

"Hey Eli" Eli also stopped in tracks

"Want to tell me what's going on?" There it was. His boyfriend. Rudy Lopez, standing there, crossing his arms. Eli was left speechless, what could he say to him?

"You!" Rudy's voice became louder.  "Marcus! What the fuck are you doing! That's my boyfriend!"

"Rudy, chill dude-"

"Don't fucking tell me what to do!"

Rudy went over to Marcus and pulled him off of the bed by his hair. "Why the fuck did you just-"

"Get out Marcus"


"I said get the fuck out before I beat your lanky ass!" Marcus picked up his clothes and immediately ran out of the room.

Rudy turned to Eli "Why?" was all he said while crossing his arms. "Rudy...i'm so sorry" Rudy glared at him. No he fucking wasn't "That wasn't my fucking question"

Eli sighed "I just got lonely, you're never around, always out working, and you never spend time with me! Marcus just happened to be there!"

"Eli, I work so I could support us, and my own family. For the lonely part, you're out more than I am, and don't pull that bullshit on me. He just happened to be there? I'm not stupid! I know this has going on for a while!"

All those times Eli would walk out of the room for his "Important calls", Rudy knew he was talking to Marcus.

All those times Eli would leave his phone when he went to the bathroom, he would look through the messages. Sometimes Rudy would just drown out his sorrows in alcohol. He's lucky that he wasn't been caught yet at work and not lose his job.

Eli looked down at the sheets, that were  stained in different types of fluids. He just got caught in the lie.

"But the one thing that got me fucked up was that you cheated on me with my own best friend. You could have just told me you wanted to break up and I would have been fine!"

"Rudy- please just stay with me. I promise i'll change" Eli pleaded.

"No" Rudy pushed Eli off of the bed

"Go with your new boyfriend and pick your shit up later"

First time writing smut so don't be too hard on it 000f

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