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Fast Forward 》》

"I.. I.." Sehun Stutters, feeling a weird pain in his chest. He looked at him.

Hurt, that's all his eyes shows instead of being Shocked, and with a sad smile he Walked away.

Sehun watched him, he knew that he knows everything at that moment. He knew that this is what THEY wanted. But the pain never disappeared.

And he knew the moment their eyes met -while they were puting him inside the car that has red and blue lights- that this feeling was nothing but.. Guilt.


《《 Backward

"I'M NOT INSANE, STOP IT" He screamed for the first time in his live. "Taemin hyung you believe me, right??" He begged for the first time. "Please tell them I'm fine pleaseee" the first time he asked.

"Honey we're only doing this because we love you, we care for you" his mom said with blurry eyes.

"YOU!!! care for ME??? How funny" he said angrily. "I'm nothing to you... all you care about is him" he whispered the last words while looking at his brother

Looking back at his father "I'll make you live happily from now on. You don't want me in your life. Fine. I won't be in it" he said while taking the knife -that was supposed to cut the steak when they eat happily- and cut right through his ribs where his heart is.

Sanity (SeKai/ChanHun)Where stories live. Discover now