Alot To Explain

333 18 15

After long time of thinking, he picked the white coat and wore it. He walked out of the room.

after getting to the elevator, he noticed a boy crouching down next to one of the doors while crying in his hand.

He went to that boy "hey baby boy, why are you crying?" He said with a gentle voice.

the boy didn't even spare him a look and continued to cry.

With a sigh he asked "who's inside that room"

" mother... t they couldn't her" the boy Stutters while still hiding his face.

"I'm so sorry baby... where's your father?" He asked the boy. "He passed away yesterday... that's why mom is here.. she couldn't handle it" the boy said and cried harder after finishing his words.

He couldn't handle it anymore and hugged the boy "Do you have a place to go to? Someone who can take you home?" He couldn't help but worry about the boy, he's still so young for that.

"No, we don't know anyone here. I live in a rented apartment" the boy muffled on his chest.

"Then how about coming with me?" He suggested.

the boy lifted his red eye to look at him "no thanks, i can take care of myself" he said in almost a whisper.

"You look too young to even have a job. How old are you anyway?" He asked the boy."I'm 14, i can find a job somewhe-" he couldn't finish his words for he's been cut off.

"No you won't, these doctors couldn't help your mother but let ME take care of YOU" he said firmly while looking at the boy's puffed eyes.

"B..but doctor.." "No buts, what's your name baby boy?" He asked with a gentle smile.

the boy found himself blushing out of nowhere and he didn't even feel bothered by the nickname nor the hands still wrapped around him.

" sehun" he stuttered the name out.

"Well what a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. Now let's go" he said with a smile and tucked sehun's arm.

"B..but.. don't you have work?" Sehun asked shyly.

"I was on my way home before i saw you anyway, now c'mon" he answered while lifting sehun up with him.

Sehun went with him, forgot about all that happened today and yesterday. All he knows now that he's SAFE, Secure. And all he wanted was being with that DOCTOR and his 'warmth'.


"Rise and shine hunnieeee" he opened the curtains and the sunlight illuminates on his boyfriend's face.

"Ughhh close it for god sake!" He grunts while covering his head with the blanket.

"And lose the chance to see your morning face? No can do babe" his boyfriend chuckled and pulled the blanket away and got on top of him.

"Morning love" he said with a smirk, few inches away from his lips. "Guess it can't be helped anymore.." sehun huffed and pecked his boyfriend's lips "morning to you too nini"

and with that jongin's smirk turned to blush in a matter of seconds.

"Now get up hunnie, Kyungsoo called and said to meet up with the others in 30mins at chanyeol's house" jongin said while getting up.

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