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How do you make friends? How did she in her first day at her old school? She couldn't remember, she was so young, she had never changed her lifestyle, she had always being sticking to the same school, same house, same friends, same clothes, same hairstyle, same everything.
Little Miss Perfect, that's what she was called, if not Miss Know-It-All. Was she proud of those nicknames? She didn't know. For sure it is something to be proud of, she thought, people recognized her for the good things, nothing bad could come out from her mouth, no bad things were mentioned in the same sentence where her name was, she liked being like that, but beyond her apareance of perfection and atittude, she was an excelent student so it made her parents even more proud of her. But there's a reason why she always had the same old friends since childhood, her way of being was a little to 'conservative' or 'old fashioned' for the rest of her classmates, so after a long time of hearing how boring she was, she started to believe it, so that is the main reason why she felt like she couldn't breath when she gave the first step inside her new school's building.
-What if somebody talks to me?- she thought- What am I supposed to say, or do?- She felt panicked. Thank God her mom had taught her korean since she was a baby, she didn't want her baby to grow up without knowing about her roots, so she had always made her remember that she was half korean and half latina and that that was an amazing thing amd that she should always be proud about it.

-I guess you are a foreigner new student too?- Mila jumped scared and turned around, and in the process she bit her tongue.
A tall blonde girl stood behind her. She wasn't smiling but her almost green eyes made her look very friendly, so Mila felt a little more relaxed but know she was embarrased, the only person who had talked to her all day saw her putting an ugly face while bitting her own tongue.
-Oh! You scared me- Mila was a talking tomato, she wanted to turn back time and react in much cooler way instead of bitting her tongue. The blonde girl smiled and held out her hand.- Kang Se Ra, nice to meet you.- Mila immediately held out her hand too and smiled friendly.- I'm Mila, nice to meet you too.
-I'm sorry I scared you- Sera said- I really wanted to talk to you because I noticed you are foreigner too and I feel really out of place right now, I got a little bit excited when I saw you.
-I feel like that too- Mila answered- It's very easy to tell I'm not from over here, but you don't look that foreigner though.
-Oh trust me, I am- SeRa put a string of hair behind her ear and Mila saw a tatto and a couple of piercings.- I guess for you it's not that notorius because you've seen people like me before, you're used to it, but what makes them turn heads it's the attitude, you know- She winked- A little 'gangsta'.
-So you are american?- SeRa nodded.
-And you are clearly latina- Mila smiled softly.
Just in that moment, a lot of girls and boys started running towards the school's entry. Everyone was taking pictures and screaming but Mila couldn't see anything. What was going on?
Then, the doors opened, and six charming young boys entered the school building. They were taking pictures, reciving gifts and signing papers, always with a smile on their face.
Mila felt like the world had stopped around her while looking at them. The only ones moving were those boys, like if they were in slow motion. She could feel like a nice wind blowed past her and made cherry blossom's petals fall on those boys that looked straight out of a magazine. She had never seen boys like that before.
-Close your mouth- SeRa said laughing and looking at Mila.
- Who are they?- Mila asked without taking her eyes away from them, she did not want to miss a single momente of the sight before her.
- Astro.
- What's that?
-They are Astro, they are going to debut as idols very soon.
-If they haven't debuted yet why are they so famous?- Mila finally looked away from the boys to focus on SeRa.
-Probably because of the drama they where in.
Mila nodded to make SeRa know that she understood and focused again her attention in them, but then looked back at the blond girl very fast.
-How is it possible for you to be so calm watching them?- Asked Mila very surprised. Everyone was going crazy including her.
-Oh, they are just no my style. I like my men a little bit more badass, they are too cute for me.
-Got it.
Mila was impressed. Even though they were soon to be famous they showed themselves very humble. The boys walked past her and SeRa followed by the massive amount of people trying to get a picture of them, it made her smile.
When she was about to walk towards her classroom she noticed something in the floor, a guitar pick. She picked it up and looked for initials in it or something but there was nothing that could let her know who was the owner. It looked like it had been used a lot, it looked very old, so she believed that whoever was the owner did not want it to be lost.
-Hey SeRa!- Mila touched the blonde's shoulder- Is this yours?
-No- She started to smile very flirty and looked at Mila- But I know of someone who does have a guitar.
SeRa smiled widely- Yoon Sanha.
It looked like SeRa wanted Mila to be happy about the name mentioned but it only left her confused.
-Who is Yoon Sanha?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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