The Real Truth Untold

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(I thought I should tell you, most of what happened was supposed to be before Tear came out, obviously haha)
Days turn to weeks.
Weeks turn to months.
Months turn into years.
Years turn into an eternity.
And that's exactly how it felt, every night without him by my side hurt like hell and went by slower and slower as I fell further into a cliche post breakup depression. I graduated college, but still didn't feel complete. I got drunk on several occasions, it was stupid, and lead to bad decisions and drunk texts. Waking up with a hangover became normal for me for about a month, before my parents finally visited. "Sweetie... please, just get over him..." my mom said kissing my forehead as I threw up into a bucket. I cried into her shoulder after I washed my face. "Mama... I can't.." I sobbed as she rubbed the back of my head. My father was in the living room with his arms crossed, unamused by the man I called my lover so many times, I gave him my everything. "I just miss that space in my bed!" I cried louder as I hugged my mother harder. "I'm so sick of fake love..." I whimpered as I finally tried to pull myself together. I had started working for the same art school I had graduated from. "You know what you need?"
"A blind date, if you can't get over him by yourself, you can have someone else to help you get over him." She said smiling sadly. I shook my head. "I'm holding on..." I said quietly. "Alright then... don't be more upset if that boy breaks your heart again" my mom was right. He would end up hurting me more the longer I tried to hold onto him.
The visit was short, too short.

I sat at my desk waiting for my class to get here. I was the basics teacher, well I mostly just liked to call myself that anyway. "Did you hear BTS new album?" I felt my chest tighten at the girls words as she walked into the class. "Ah, yeah of course! Truth Untold makes me ugly cry every time!" I hadn't had the strength to listen to the song at all, "Taehyungs voice in that gives me life!" The first girl announced. "Jimin was my favorite!"
"What about Jin! He finally got lines!" The girls got louder and louder. Basically screaming about my ex and his coworkers. "Ladies." I said bitterly." They all stopped talking. "Y-yes...?"
"Keep it down, I have a deadline on one of my projects." I said, only half lying, it was true that I had a project due for an exposition I finally wiggled my way into. "Right, sorry." The girl who was rambling about Taehyung said. "Wanna know a fact?" I asked the girl. She looked up at me. "Hm?"
"Dating a celebrity is a stupid idea." I said frowning and going back to my papers. I heard the class doors open, and I looked up, expecting it to be a student, but it wasn't. I recognized him, it was one of the men who escorted Taehyung around. "All of you can go home." I said standing up, I'm not going to lie, teaching wasn't something I was ever good at, but it can be fun.
"It's good to see you." I said smiling at the 'body guard'. "Why are you here?" I asked, he handed me a paper and walked away. "Hm?" I turned it over and...

Dear (Y/n),
  I know you're more than likely not wanting to ever talk to me again, and you have every right to feel that way. I thought being with you would hurt my career too much, but I've realized being apart from you hurts me more than any pulled muscle or sleepless night. If you could find it in your heart to come back to me, please call this number...

- with love
Tae Tae.

I looked over the letter several times, before picking up my phone. It rang a couple times. "Hello?"
"Hi Tae..."
"Oh its so good to hear our voice..."
"No." I stated. "What?" He sounded confused, I took in a deep breath. "I won't come back to you, not yet." I said before hanging up.

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