Chapter 1

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Today is the day. The day i finally get to meet my soulmate. I wonder who it will be... I hope they already know me and love my antics... Then again, this is school we are talking about. Nobody loves anything at school. unless you are one of those students who is a teacher's pet. then you love school. But that's not the point here. The point is, that I, Miles Austin McClaire, am meeting my soulmate for the first time. I hope it goes well

As I slip the binder over my head, to get ready for the day, I think about what the future could be like. Swimming shirtless, not having a binder constricting you for the whole school day, all that jazz. But then I remember that I am not out to my mom yet and I need to think of some way to approach the topic. Although she never said she didn't think the Transgender community was wrong, she has shown that to me through her actions and what she says subtly mentioning it when we are with the rest of my family. I honestly don't know how she will react if I come out to her about this... I can see it happening already...

This is what is going on in my brain right now... It is not going great.

"WHAT!" exclaims my mom in horror, "I thought I raised you better! you should have known this when you were younger and should have told me then!" I don't understand her reasoning behind that statement. I was little and didn't know how i felt. Nor did i have the language to put to how I felt if I did know.

"I didn't think about it until a few years ago!" I yell back. "How did you expect me to know the word 'transgender' when I was younger!" this conversation is not going so well. I need to get out of here before she says any more hateful things about my gender identity.

"I don't want you living under my roof unless you say you're sorry!" she yells. Finally, an excuse to escape. But maybe it's not an excuse.

"Say sorry for what? Being me? I don't think so!" I yell just before I storm to my room to pack some clothes. "I was planning on leaving anyways! I never wanted to live here!" she brought this argument upon herself by yelling at me first. Just to set the record straight.

"NO! you are not leaving with the clothes I bought you! get back here you little twerp!" she runs after me, stomping her feet so hard that the pictures on my walls shake and fall, cracking the glass on the frames. "you better not leave until I see exactly what you packed and take what I paid for!"

"too late because I only packed the things I paid for with the money I have been saving up from the time I was twelve!" what she doesn't know is, that's when I started to realize that I was, and still am, transgender. "try and stop me now!"

Back to reality.

I let out a sigh of exhaust, mostly from struggling with the binder. At that exact moment, I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Sweetie, are you Ok in there? Are you getting ready for school?"

I roll my eyes at how much concern I hear in her voice. I'm a teenager, I'm supposed to think my mom is too concerning, if she only knew the struggle. "yea mom, just give me a minute and I will be right there!"I reply to her concerning question,almost too quickly if you ask me, before she comes in my room to see what I am doing.

"Ok sweetie, just wanted to make sure you were up!"

"Thanks for checking in mom! I love you!"

"Awww, I love you too!"

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