A day in the life of Kyber pt.1

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Hello my name is Kyber in part one I am the writer and in part two it is SAMMY MY BEAUTIFUL AWESOME AMAZING WOLFIELICIOUS COUSIN. It is a beautiful

-Kyber POV-

As I woke up from a wonderful dream I realize one thing, I was not wearing a shirt. "Holy smokes." I said. I got up and changed, as I strip I realize that I need to take a shower. I turn on the shower to hot and I grab my scrubber and decide to be thorough. I start scrubbing.

*30 Minutes Later*

"Well, I will never do that again." I said, I then heard the phone ring. "Hello who is it?" I asked, still naked.

-Kat POV-

"HEY!" I yelled. "Holy Aria, Kat what do you want?" asked Kyber. "I AM COMING OVER PUTA." I said. "So you have become Bi-lingual," said Kyber after a long pause, "fine, come on over, I need 30 minutes to do my business." Finally Kat spoke, "I am coming over NOW Leccaculo (have no idea what this is but k) also, what kind of business we talking here?~" Kyber then hung up.

-Kyber POV-

"Great, I have a girl coming over and I am naked I don't have time to talk," I quickly grabbed some swim trunks and jumped out the window into the pool and started swimming like normal. All the sudden, I hear her practically break down my door and run up my stairs. "KYBER GET YOUR ASS UP HERE!" Screamed Kat. "Oh crap, what did I do now?" I thought. I got out of the water. "What do you want!?" I yelled. "Get up here you dumb f*** or I will whip you like a slave bitch." she yelled at me. I got up the stairs and opened my door "WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL US YOU F****** BITCH!" she started to rant. "OH MY ARIA, KAT CALM DOWN WHY ARE YOU ANGRY AT ME!" I yelled. "YOU RAPED CANDY!" she screamed. "WHAT, WHEN?, I MEAN HOW!?" I started to yell. "YOU RAPED CANDY YOU ASS AND GUESS WHAT!" she screamed. "WHAT?" I said. "GET PRANKED BITCH!" she laughed, I slapped her in the face "why you do that I was genuinely concerned." I said. All of the sudden she did something that would scar me for life. "Hey Kyber, why don't you have a shirt.~" she said "What?!?!?!?" I look down and all of the sudden she pulled down my pants and took a full body picture and ran. "Get Back Here!" I ran after her at full sprint.

To be continued......

Hello, this be me. Kat. I highly edited it. Ugh.. XD yeah. thats it. hope u enjoyed part one! peace.

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