Party time

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My assistants have been getting things ready for the party that later on today, and I've never been so nervous. It's so weird to know that maybe millions of people are going to hear something that I feel, but it that same time it feels incredible.

I got up from my cosy king sized bed that Cole was also laying on. We didn't do anything, we just had a movie night and fell asleep.

"Good morning Cole" I leaned down and softly kissed his soft cheek. His eyes fluttered open, he rubbed them and looked at me.

"Hey beautiful" He got up and kissed my forehead.

"Your albums coming out today, that's so exciting" He gave me hug. "I'm proud of you"

"I'm proud of me too" I put my head on his shoulder while he played with my messed up hair.

"I should start getting ready"

"But the party starts in 6 hours!" Cole chuckled.

"I wanna look good, it's my first album." He looked at me and and kissed me softly.

"You always look good." I blushed and giggled.

I got up and started to get my things ready, i heard a groan from Cole.

"What's wrong?" I turned to see him and saw that he had an annoyed face.

"Lili's spamming like crazy, she's texting stuff like "how come you're not answering","answer me Cole", "Cole baby, are you with (Y/N)?", "Ugh you are aren't you?" Why is she saying shit like that?" Cole looked annoying and to be honest, he looked hot. The way he ran his hand through his blond messy hair could kill anyone

"Oh, ask her why she's texting that." Lili always seemed like the clingy type of person, but I don't know why she has to be that with my KINDA BOYFRIEND.

I got my phone and went to the bathroom, I connected it with the bests pill that was ok the white marble counter. I put my shower playlist on shuffle. I started to take of my k, I went in and put on hot water.

"I have to pee!" Cole knocked loudly on the door.

I laughed hard, which was a bad idea since I got shampoo in my mouth. "Come in!"

I heard the door open quickly, I heard some fast footsteps going to the toilet.

" you think you can sing quickly? I don't want you to hear the stream." He said embarrassingly.

I laughed loudly and began to sing the song that was playing " Titanium" luckily the chorus was playing.

"Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium"

"I said sing quickly not a whole song" Cole joker around and chuckled.

"Sorry, I just love that song." My cheeks got red.

"It's okay, you have a good voice. And a nice body" I turned around since I was confused by what he meant. The glass door was open a little and he was looking through it.

"COLE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" I tried to cover my boobs with my hands.

"Looking at you" He said while chuckling, he noticed that I was embarrassed so he closed the door.

"That wasn't funny" I continued to wash out the shampoo from my hair.

I got out the shower when I was done and washed my face. I went to my room and put on some sweats and a crop top. Ill do my makeup first then put on my dress. I was brushing my hair when I got a text.

Celebrity Crush- Cole Sprouse x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now