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I stared at him stunned.

He had a british accent.


And then he smirked. He had to, because he had just become the hero of my story here. So I just looked at him and blinked, because I am so shy and basically had nothing to say.

His smirk, like all other things, was drop dead gorgeous and myseterious and sexy, but it had to be, he was the hero after all. He must be the most wanted guy in the school, yet here he was, staring at me? I was like the most average girl on the planet, and I clearly did not want anything to do with him. Even though when I was eye raping him since the moment he stepped into my sight.

"Thanks." I muttered, and bent down to pick up my books.

He bent down too, and his hands touched mine, helping me sort the papers.

I started tingling all over, like a hundred ants crawling up and down my arm.

I scratched my neck, thinking hard. When was the last time I had taken a bath? Probably last week, but I wasn't sure. I made a mental note to take one this Sunday, things were getting uncomfortably itchy for my liking.

Finally when I had the papers neatly stacked, he grabbed my hand, and looked into my eyes, "Mine." he growled.

"N-No." I stuttered, pulling my arm away, protecting my papers, "Mine!" I said courageously, pulling my precious papers into my chest.

And then he had opened his mouth to say something, but the ringing bell drowned his words. I did not know what to do, so I made a run for it. No way in hell was I going to steal my papers and get away with it. Hot or not.

I had barely taken two steps when he had caught up with me.

Oh gawd, I thought desperately, I hope he is not a stalker, or a serial killer or something. Yeah, because obviously, serial killers have nothing better to do than go chasing teenage schoolgirls in parking lots, wearing nothing hut branded jeans, during winters.

"I am Roman." he smiled. Of course he had dimples.

"Oh." was all I said, being awkward as hell. I quietly slipped the papers into my bag, in case he started the mine crap again.

"Nice hair" he tried again, taking a strand between his fingers, and twilrling it.

The itching was getting unbearble by now. I couldn't afford to wait till Sunday. Saturday it is then, I silently promised myself. I scratched myself inconspicuously. This was new. Usually I could go for longer without a bath. The itching started only in about a fortnight. It had only been four days since I had last bathed, I should have been good for another ten days.

What was wrong with me?

Was itchiness a sign of a life threatening disease? Was I ill? WasI dying?

"Nice hair!" he tried again, louder this time, breaking into my thoughts.

"Ugh, um, " I tried to respond, "Yeah, thanks, um, I grew them myself."

I just stared at the ground, marvelling at what I had just said. When I looked up,the guy had a constipated look on his face, like he was deciding weather to laugh or cry. I felt sorry for myself. I had blown all chances of being with him, big time.

I was hopeless, useless. Utterly a misfit in this world of high school. But what else ccould be expecyed of me, I was ugly, and that was the answer to everything- my bulling, social awkwardness, lack of friends, etc, etc. I was ugly, that was not my fault.

"I am hopeless," I said out loud.

"No," he said, taking my head in his hands, "You just have morning breath, and look like you have not washed yourself in your life. You are lame, and socially awkward. You gawk at me like I am some kind of farm animal, and you are utterly mannerless, because you did not even thank me for helping you out. Other than that, you are perfect! I love you so much, I would kill a couple of rouges, yake over the largest and the most dangerous pack, and kill the most powerful alpha in the world just for looking at you." He looked deep into my eyes as he said it, and then took a deep breath," That is how much I love you."

"What?" I was stunned. He was supposed to say he loved me and then make a list of all the incredibly frustating cute things I did, and tell me he loved them too. Even though we met like ten minutes ago.

"Look," he breathed, " You have just become the heroine of the story. You must wash and brush yourself everyday, and twice a day, if the plot demands it." he continued in his sexy husky voice.

"No!" I cried, "I can't!"

He just rolled his eyes, "Being the lead character isn't easy. You think its a cakewalk sounding deep and husky like I have a cold all the time? And walking around half naked, like this, I mean, dude, look at the temperature, its freezing!" he shook his head, " But I do it, because I am a lead character. And you need to buck up too. Or nobody is going to read this story, like, ever." he finished seriously.

My eyes widened in fear. Bathing and brushing everyday? I shuddered in revulsion.

"Dont worry, I will help you," he smirked again. That sexy sexy smirk of his just made me melt on the inside.

I licked my lips. I was so ready.

Bring on the daily baths.

The Bad Boy MateWhere stories live. Discover now