Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Someone poked his nose. He groaned and forced his eyes open. Looking at him with a bemused expression was Rose.

“Hello,” he smiled. She returned a small one, with an arched eyebrow, looking like she was expecting some sort of another reaction. What? he thought. He looked around to see what was so funny. Then he realized the hold he had in his arms. He looked down to see Rose was tightly being held to him, his arms looped around her waist. “Oh.”

“Yeah, I wondered ‘bout that, too,” she giggled. “Not that it was a bad thing or anything.” Then she stiffened, her face turning a pink. “Well—I mean…y’know?” She sighed.

He released her and she scooted slightly away, though her face was millimeters away, their breath mingling—if he happened to be breathing at all, of course.

Her eyes flickered away from his, and she sat up, leaning against the headboard. She began playing with her fingers. “Okay, so one question.”

“I’m all ears,” he responded, scooting closer to her as he sat up, so their legs were touching.

“Not anymore!” She poked his stomach.

“Oi!” he said defensively. “My ears weren’t that bad.”

“Debatable,” she shrugged.

He made a face. “So your question…?”

“What were you doing here all of last night?” She sounded hesitant in asking. “Was I having a…nightmare?”

“That’s two questions, Rose.”


He shrugged, not exactly answering the question. “You fell asleep during the movie so I brought you in here.”

“And I had a nightmare, right?”

He nodded slowly. “Or at least you were beginning to.” He scratched the back of his neck.

“Great.” She kept eyes fixed on hands as she asked with voice sounding uncertain, “Were you having a nightmare this morning?”

He scrunched up his face, crossing his legs. “I don’t really know.”

“Because you were murmuring and sweating.”

“Oh.” He touched his forehead, where he felt the wetness of sweat. Yes, he did have a nightmare.

She nudged him lightly. “S’okay, we can be night twins!” She paused. “Oh gosh, I’m starting to sound like you.”



“I do not sound like that,” he replied indignantly.

“Yeah, you sort of do.” She shrugged matter-of-factly.

“When have I ever said anything like that?”

“Oh, I dunno.” She started counting fingers, then stopped. “Better stop, don’t want to ruin your ego,” she teased.

My ego? You know, I am making an effort here not be offended.” He unconsciously leaned closer.


“Yeah.” She smiled softly at this. “Rose,” he began, “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didn’t really think. It’s just…”

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