Chapter 13

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A/N: Hey Soldiers! Whoo here's something to end your cliff hanger pain! Be thankful I was still able to add some sort of happiness in this. I've had a horrible right so I tried to keep the depressing mood out of this XD It's 10:30pm, I can't sleep, and there's thunder and lighting outside right now. So who knows, maybe I'll get something else updated :)

Dedicated to @Summer1245 because holy pancakes she left a freakin' novel in the comment section on the last chapter and I loved it! She did a pretty awesome job guessing what happens next and said the kindest words ever and just. ily!! Go follow her, now! :)



Louis thrashed in Nick’s arms screaming and crying as Liam took off running jumping over the side after Harry. “Harry!” Louis cried.

The rest of the boys ran off the side of the pier running down to the water. “Shh, it’s okay Louis,” Nick tried.

Louis just sobbed into Nick’s chest dropping to the ground. “P-please,” He begged.

“We got him!” Zayn shouted.

Nick released Louis as he scrambled to his feet moving as fast he could where he saw Liam holding Harry to his chest and walking up to the sand before laying him down. “Someone call an ambulance!” Niall cried.

Lucas pulled his phone out dialing 911 while Louis dropped to his knees in front of Harry. Louis choked on another sob as he slowly reached out letting his hands skim across Harry’s face. “No. No. No. Harry? Harry baby please wake up,” Louis whispered.

Liam placed his hands over Harry’s chest and began CPR. “Come on Haz,” Nick encouraged everyone silent, practically holding their breath and Liam did compression before giving mouth to mouth.

“Harry,” Louis choked out grabbing his lifeless hand.

A few moment later and Harry was coughing up water spitting it from his mouth. “Oh thank God,” Nick wailed.

Louis pulled Harry to his check. “Harry,” He cried.

Harry didn’t say anything just cried, too weak for anything else. The ambulance arrived just a moment after taking over the situation. Louis rode in the ambulance holding onto Harry’s hand the entire way while the other lads followed behind in the car, Nick calling Anne up to fill her in.



“Louis!” Anne called rushing into the small room Harry was placed.

Louis stood up, tears falling down his face. “I’m so sorry Mama Anne, I should’ve been there sooner, I should’ve stopped him,” He cried.

Anne wrapped her arms around Louis and hugged him tightly, rocking him back and forth and Loui cried harder at the fact that despite it all she was strong enough to comfort him. “Louis it’s alright, it’s not your fault. He’s okay he’s alive, let’s just focus on that right now. I am so thankful though, you did save him Louis, you saved my baby boy, all of you,” Anne said looking at the other lads. “Thank you, for saving my baby,” She said tears finally spilling over.

Jay came in next and grabbed Anne, pulling her into a comforting embrace. “Shh, he’s okay Anne,” She soothed.

“Yes with time, he should heal,” Dr.Clover said as he entered the room. “It was touch and go when he first got here, but he will be okay. Luckily nothing broke, just bruises and cuts. He will need to take it easy for a bit though to let everything properly heal or he could cause some damage,” He explained.

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