Chapter 15 (Part 2)

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A/N: Hey Soliders! Here's another intense chapter! Omg it hurt to write, seriously!

Picture on side of Aiden again!

Dedicated to my sister Jessica @JustahJew97. Today, August 13th, is her 17th birthday. So this and two other book will be updated by the end of this weekend as another gift I'm doing for her. Don't care if you see this later because, well only a half hour left of today, but go follow her and wish he happy birthday! Like I said she's the one who can kick my butt  and make me write!



There was a soft knock on the door and Harry turned to see Louis standing there smiling at him. He still had come bruising, mainly the hand print on his neck and his eye was swollen, lip was cut, but he was doing a lot better since the attack. “You okay?” Louis asked seeing Harry had tears in his eyes.

Harry shook his head facing Louis to show him the crumpled card. “You mean every single word you wrote?”

Louis nodded quickly. “Of course I do Harry.”

“You...You want to be with me forever?” Louis nodded. “Do I really give you butterflies?” Louis nodded. “I’m loveable?” Louis nodded. “I’m strong?” Louis nodded. “I’m brave?” Louis nodded. “I’m...I’m going to be okay,” Harry said rather than questioned. “I uh, I- Louis,” Harry bit his lip closing his eyes for a moment. “I love you too Louis,” He forced out.

Louis ran over hugging Harry tightly, letting Harry cry because it was so hard for him. “Shh, it’s alright baby, you’re okay,” Louis whispered. “Thank you.”

“Thank you,” Harry said back.

“You ready to got put Aiden away? Close this chapter?”

Harry nodded. “Please. I think it’s time to move on and, I know I can get past it now. I know how many people I have fighting for me and supporting me and, I have you.”

Louis kissed him quickly. “Then let’s do this.”



“Your honor you must see now how reckless the defense is. He is now facing charges for violating the restraining order, and for assault on Harry’s step brother Louis Tomlinson,” Casey stated.

Louis tensed slightly in his seat before looking over and seeing Aiden smirking at him. Louis told him they were boyfriend’s. “Mr.Grimshaw what do you have to say for yourself?” The judge asked.

“I’m truly sorry for my actions. I just, I wanted to talk to Harry about all of this because as I said before he’s one of my best friends and I need him to understand that I never meant to hurt him ever. I only attacked Louis because he’s fooling around with Harry, his step brother.”

Gasps were heard in the room and murmuring went on. Harry was shaking in his seat as he could feel all eyes on him and Louis. “Order!” The judge shouted banging the gavel down.

Harry kept his head down and pushed himself away from Louis. “Harry?” Louis whispered.

“Leave me alone.”

There was a few more discussion before Louis was called to the stands. Harry hesitantly looked up, and tried to ignore the stares around him. He had moved seats to the end away from everyone. “Mr.Tomlinson will you please describe what Mr.Grimshaw did to you just a few days ago?”

“I was hanging someone up on our front door when someone asked if Harry was home. When I discovered it was Aiden I told him to leave, that he wasn’t ever going to lay another finger on him. Aiden wasn’t having it though. He called Harry a slut, said he betrayed him and he needed to pay for it. I fought back and told him he was sick to abuse him in the first place. It led to him choking me and punching me until finally I blacked out. The next thing I remember I’m waking up in the hospital.”

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