Chapter 1

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Reyna's P.O.V.   

BEEP .......BEEP .......BEEP .......BEEP. My alarm clock chimed as to welcome me to another horrible day of school. Great my day just got better, note the sarcasm. I slapped the alarm clock hoping to not bust it like the several I have had in the past. With my luck, I heard a crack and everything falling onto the floor, great broken yet another alarm clock. 

Thanks, stupid werewolf strength. "Hey I can't help your ass has to hit it so hard that you break it." my wolf Cami said. " Well I barely hit the clock, but since I have you it makes my hits are harder," I yelled back at her. Feeling her wall go back up and her pain I just caused her, great another person is mad at me.

I got out of bed not ready to start the day, but what choice do I have. I grabbed my phone to look at the time and it read 5:45 school starts at 7:45 so I have 2 hours. I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. I look in the mirror and see my shoulder length hair is a mess, I have dried drool on the side of my face and I smell like BO really bad. 

I turned on the shower and the room started filling up with steam. I strip out of my PJs and grab a washcloth. I hopped in letting the water run over my body relaxing my muscles. I scrubbed some shampoo into my hair making sure I clean my scalp good. After a few minutes, I washed it out and applied some conditioner and letting it set. 

I grabbed my washcloth and the bar of soap. Then I washed my face then the rest of my body and shaving the parts that need it. When I get done with my shower I turn the water off and step out wrapping my fluffy towel around my body. I grab my phone reading the time 6:05 so I got an hour and 20 mins till I have to leave for school.

I finish with all my bathroom necessities and walk out of the bathroom looking through my closet for clothes. I settle with some black jeans and my "to thine own self be true" crop top. Paired with my black converse. I took my towel off and put on my clothes and undies. I towel dried my hair and crinkled it with moose. 

"Honey you coming down for breakfast it's 6:30?" my mom yelled from downstairs. "Yea mama," I said trying to do a little makeup. I put on cat eyeliner and bold red lipstick then applied mascara. I looked in the mirror and liked what is seen, so I grabbed my stuff and when downstairs.

"Oh don't you look pretty today," my mother said when I came down the stairs. I gave her a confused look and replied "Are you talking to me?" looking down at the clothes I had on. "Well who else am I talking to your brother?" she said as we both turned and looked at my brother halfway dressed and has syrup all over his face.

 By the way, he is 20 years old" I believe I am the prettiest one in the room if I do say myself." my brother Austin said me and mom busted out laughing. After about 5 mins of die-hard laughter, I went and grabbed my blueberry waffles and bacon from the counter. I drown my waffles in syrup and shove a big into my mouth. Tasting the sugary goodness with every bite.

I hurried to finish breakfast and drink my orange juice. I picked up my plate and fork off the table and put it in the sink. I kissed my mom and brother bye and grabbed my stuff and hurried out the door. I looked down out my phone on my way to my black Nissan Sentra. It was the phone read 7:00 so I texted April.

Me: I'm on my way to your house so be ready

April: ok chick I'm waiting on ya

I put my stuff in the back and got in the car and drove to April's house. I turned on the radio and what about us by Pink was on. I turned up the radio and sang along. By the time the song was over I was pulling into April's driveway. I parked the car waiting for my best friend. She about 5'2, has long black hair, blue eyes, pale skin and has the best personality ever. After about five minutes of waiting, so I honked the horn. Then she came rushing out of her house with her mate, didn't know he was hitching a ride.

When they reached the car I looked down at the time on the clock which read 7:15. They were putting their stuff in the back and Luke rode in the backseat April got shotgun. I looked over at her and she had the best smile on her face. "Do you know what time it is?" I asked. She grabbed her phone and looked at the time and that smile faded right off her face. "We need to hurry so we can get a parking spot since we have a lot of new students join the school," she exclaimed. "Well let's go" Luke shouted from the back. I backed out of the driveway and headed towards the school.

When we got to the schoolhouse the parking lot was almost full so I hurried and found me a spot not too far from the door. I started pulling in my spot when the car behind me started honking at me. April looked at them and shot them a bird. It just made the honking worse. Thanks, April I said to myself. I put my car in park and we all got out and grabbed our stuff.

 We made it in the door just about the time the first bell rang and we all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I went to my first period which had to be English, I hate English. I found me a seat in the middle row up against the window. I got my books out that would be needed for class. The last bell rung and student from the other pack we combined with started piling in obviously they got lost. When the class started it went by quicker then most days I wondered why.

Author's Note: How did you guys like the first chapter? There is probably a lot of spelling and grammar errors, so please forgive me. Feel free to comment and vote. Let me know what needs to be changed or what you would like to see in the future. Peace  out guys ~ Spiritualrosy_11

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