Chapter 6

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The following morning my eye caught the lottery ticket I bought and got online to see if I won something. I fell from my chair in the process. I... I won the jackpot of over a hundred million pounds. I didn't say anything to Ryan. No need to change the way we live and are around each other just because I have a boatload of money now. So after Ryan left for the morning did I call the lottery board and send them a copy of my winning ticket and within the next hour, they paid over my winnings. 

I checked my bank balance and it has grown with about hundred and twenty million pounds. I called ahead and I made an appointment with my bank manager. I paid over my taxes then drove off to my first appointment for the day and it was to a Crossfit gym called Aces and after Aces did I gone to four other Crossfit gyms before I head to the bank to see the bank manager. 

At the bank, I set up an offshore account with my bank and I also open a second account that will help me with my traveling I will have to do shortly with all the competitions that are ahead of me. While I was at the bank I got all my parents banking details out of my dad and paid some money over to them to settle all their dept and my tired mother can finally retire with dad. I called up my rental agent and asked him to email me a purchase contract for my apartment and for the penthouse that gone on the market about two weeks ago. 

He jumped and emailed me the sales agreement. I filled in all my details on both contracts then email it back to him. He got the ball rolling on his side. Whereas for me I got back to work with my rep work. I feel rather satisfied with what I've accomplished today. I bought two homes and settled a lifelong dream of mine to get my parents out of their half a million Rand of dept.

After my eighth Crossfit gym I repped for did I drove to Old Joe's to work my three hours. I was really hardcore. I was starting to get blisters on my hands and bad ones. When Clive walked over to me and told me I just worked out for four hours. I was shocked that it didn't feel like I've worked out for four hours at all. It was only four in the afternoon when I left Old Joe's with my ninth rep order for the day. I drove to Hardbody's and Ryan just arrived with me. As I walk into Hardbody's and we kissed hello. We start with on an hour running full out then we hit the weights. 

'So how was your day?' Ryan asked me while I bench press my barbell of sixty-five kilograms.

'I've had to go sort some personal things out at the bank this morning and I still managed to get to nine Crossfit gyms today. Then I went to Old Joe's and guess what I was so focused on training that when Clive finally came to talk to me after his one class it was four hours later. Look I even have the blisters to prove it.' I showed him my hands.

'That is fantastic love really I am so proud of you.' Ryan helped me to place the barbell back on the rack and I got up so he could do his set. As Hardbody afternoon members start to arrive they stared at Ryan and me training like beasts. Six PM Ryan and I drove to the apartment and feed the cats then drop off his car and we drove out to Gravesend, Kent to go do the weight in before nine PM. Ryan drove my car and I register for all the woman's categories at the Ultimate Beginners competition for UK's IFBB. We drove an hour to get to Gravesend and we got there just in time I did my weight in and they measured my height and I pay for my entries and we drove all the way back home another hour. 

We got home and Ryan and I were ready to fall over from tiredness. I practice posing some more while Ryan took a shower and around eleven PM I called it and took a nice shower and fell asleep on my way to our bed that I took a nose dive on the carpet. My head hit a scatter cushion that lay on the floor so I didn't get hurt at all. I hugged it to me and drift further into la-la land. Ryan must have come to search for me when he felt me not there and found me out cold on the carpet. He pulled me up and walked me to bed and tucked me in. He kissed the side of my head.

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