Reflections of the Past

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The pirate captain was promptly sent to his room by the crewmember treating him. The translator helped him explain that Valentini was doing much better and that as long as he was resting properly, he would make a full recovery.

It seemed that the crew were all giving mixed reports of what they'd seen, Youssef's men and Valentini's alike. But they all agreed that they'd been attacked by some sea demon that tried to kill Valentini, although none of them could agree on what it looked like, as if their eyes were still veiled to Krileon's true form. Some claimed it was a ghost, a spirit, one even reported it was a shapeshifter that attacked them all. They seemed to all be quite shaken by the experience and Yunara could tell that though they knew their captain needed rest, they were waiting for Valentini to recover enough to instruct them on what to do next. She could understand. She still couldn't get used to this, fighting and battling for her life all the time.

The crew honored Valentini's word and gave the three Chosen and Youssef's men room and board. They even treated Yunara's arm for her. She was so exhausted from everything that she only had enough in her to mutter a word of thanks before crashing into bed and sleeping hard.

When she woke up, she woke up to sore muscles that screamed with every movement. Her arms especially begged her to stay where she was. Hanging off the side of the ship worked muscles that weren't used to being used that way, and the way she was feeling, she wasn't sure if she ever would be able to again.

A knock at the door stirred her from her self-pity.

"Come in," she allowed, her voice still groggy.

Manuel was the one that opened the door, concern etched in his face. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. Everyone's already eaten breakfast."

She squinted her eyes at the window, looking at a sun that had already risen to its midday position. She really did sleep hard.

Taking off the covers that coaxed her to stay a little longer, Yunara tried to wipe the sleep out of her eyes as she sat upright. "Oh, well, I'm fine, really. Just tired."

"Are you sure?" Manuel asked, searching into her eyes.

Then she realized what he was really concerned about. She couldn't help feeling embarrassed about the whole ordeal, letting herself be vulnerable to everyone like that. She never liked making others worry about her. It wasn't a comfortable feeling for her to be the center of attention. "Oh, that. No, I'm fine now, thank you."

As much as she disliked the feeling of everyone having to care for her, she did feel a great deal more grounded now. All this time she had this deep fear in her of failing everyone, and the trauma that gripped her ever since that moment in the castle only made that struggle worse. But now she felt like she was the one that had a better grip on her fears, and like she wouldn't let them stop her anymore. They had come this far, with nearly all of the members of the Chosen on their side, and what's more, they were all there for one another. Suddenly, the daunting task the princess left upon her shoulders didn't seem so impossible anymore.

Manuel breathed out in relief, the tenseness in his shoulders slacking. "I'm glad. I was worried for you."

Yunara rose from her bed. "How's Valentini?"

"The Diovolo is doing better. He doesn't seem like much of a cooperative patient, though. His crew keep trying to get him to sleep, but all he does is keep barking out orders from his sickbed."

Yunara chuckled, a small smile on her lips. "I like him, though. He's a good captain. It's obvious he cares a lot about these men."

Manuel sniffed. "I suppose."

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