Chapter 16

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Days had passed, and going to the bookstore while lowkey spying at Namjoon and Jihae after school has become a part of my daily routine now. I still hadn't shared a conversation nor spoke a word to Namjoon, but everyday he looked like he wanted to tell me something and ended up just standing in front of me, looking hesitant, without blurting out a word except "Hi Rajin."

Part of me is still mad at Namjoon for always choosing Jihae over me, but another part of me wanted to lower down my pride and tell Namjoon what I'm feeling right now that he's with Jihae and everyone at school is gossiping about their "relationship", and this Jihae doesn't deny it.

I was at the vending machine at the hallway of our school, deciding to pick out some chocolates to eat for snacks while I'm studying for our summative tests tomorrow.

Of course, Namjoon and Jihae will be late going home since they'll "study together".

The thought made me shrug in disgust. I admit, I am very bitter about the relationship that is formed between those two.

"Hi Jihae!" I heard someone greeted from my back. I closed my eyes for a moment, cursing in 58 different languages.

I remained on standing in front of the vending machine, my back facing Jihae and her friends. I think Namjoon isn't around because I've got some Spidey-sense and I only sense a nasty "canine with XX chromosomes" around here.

"Oh, hi Jo-an, you studying for the test tomorrow?" Jihae asked. Joan just "uh-huh-ed" then edged herself closer to Jihae. I can see them through their reflection at the glass of the vending machine, "Are you and Namjoon are in a relationship now?"Joan asks. Jihae just giggled, "It's complicated, but I can tell that Namjoon likes me too. He even gave me this necklace."

I think I just did the major eyeroll of the century.

I saw the necklace through the glass of the vending machine, it was a silver sixteenth note pendant with a diamond at the head of the note (I'm guessing it's fake tho. I'm not being bitter or jealous, I'm just stating the facts. An average highschool student can't afford to buy that shit.)

Joan squealed, "How romantic!" "I know, right? He just gave me this earlier. He said that this symbolizes the love that he has for someone, since he loves music so much." Jihae said, "This is made from real silver and a real diamond, by the way."

I pursed my lips,


"That's soooooo sweet! How I wish my boyfriend will give something that sentimental to me." Joan said, "Where's Namjoon now, by the way?" She asked. "He's outside, waiting for me. We're not going to our cafe today, we'll stay at my house so I'll get some snacks." Jihae said.

A grin (which I guess looked psychopathic) made its way on my cheeks. I took out my wallet, placed a huge amount of money in the vending machine, and pressed all the buttons multiple times, buying all the food (and refill) inside the machine, leaving the machine with nothing left.

There was a pack of disposable bags hanging at the side of the vending machine, so I got some plastic bags and stuffed the bags. The food filled six huge bags all in all. I stood up, looked at the dumbfounded Joan and Jihae, their mouths hung open.

"Sorry, I got too hungry." I said, carrying six plastic bags on my hands, "maybe you and your  dearest boyfriend can go shopping for food somewhere."

I waltzed at the school hallways, looking like I just came out of a junk food shopping centre.

I spotted Namjoon outside the senior building, obviously looking for Jihae. He saw me carrying the bags, "Do you need help with those?" He asked. I shook my head, "I'm strong enough to carry my own plastic bags. Go talk to your girlfriend." I said blankly and walked away.

Haegi and Hoseok were on the way out to school, "Didn't know that there's a grocery store inside the senior building." Haegi said, which made me chuckle, and give her one plastic bag, "Here. I bought everything from the vending machine."

Hoseok got the bag, "no shit." "Yes shit. She's a millionaire, billionaire, rather. Nothing is impossible for the highschool girl version of Tony Stark." Haegi said, grinning, "Let me guess, it was Jihae again, right?"

I nodded, "Namjoon gave her a silver necklace with a diamond sixteenth-note pendant." Hoseok and Haegi's eyes widened, and Hoseok nearly dropped the plastic bag, "NO FUCKING WAY HE GAVE THAT TO HER." Hoseok exclaimed, "THAT THING IS PRICELESS!"

Haegi took out something from her shirt, and it showed the same necklace that Jihae wore, "Their band has this thing where the seven of them, yes, including the three kids, saved up using the money that they earn in gigs and bought these seven necklaces. They'll give this to the person that they love just like how they love music."Haegi said, and placed the necklace inside her shirt again, "I think that's fucking cute."

"I'm literally mad at Namjoon now." Hoseok said, "He promised he'll give that necklace to-" Haegi stepped on Hoseok's foot, which made Hoseok scowl, "hey." "Anyway, just ignore them. They'll not last anyway." Haegi said.

I shrugged, "Whatever. Anyway, I gotta get going now, I've got to study."

Haegi sighed, "As usual, Avenger girl. Take care on the way home."

Since I can't eat all of these food, I decided to drop by the bookstore and spotted Haru with Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin. I got four plastic bags and went inside the store.

Jimin eyed the food that I'm carrying, "what's that?" "A bomb." I said, then gave each one of the kids a plastic bag full of junk food, "Here. Your death caused by cancer or diabetes will increase with the probability of 98% if you eat this much of junkfood everyday for a year."

"Are you trying to kill us?"Taehyung asked as he received the plastic, I shrugged, "Probably."

"Anyway I can't stay longer with you guys and buy comic books because I have to study for our summatives tomorrow." I said.

"You really don't need to study though, Ms. Genius." Jungkook said, eating a Mars bars. Haru munched on some chips, "I second that."

"Well I am no super genius, so I still have to review. You kids enjoy the junk food but not too much since it causes obesity." I reminded and then left the bookstore and headed home.

I was in my room, eating a Twix bar while reading our Physics book and listening to Beethoven Sonata Op. 16.

Suddenly the thought of the necklace appeared in my mind. I felt a pang of jealousy shot in me.

What is in Jihae that isn't in me? Why did Namjoon give her that? Does he love her that much?

I pouted and heaved out a sigh, I guess this way is alright. My dad can never find out about me liking Namjoon or be worried if I'll get a boyfriend since Namjoon's heart already belongs to someone else.

Before I'll end up in dipshit and jump out of my window then run towards Jihae's house and brutally murder her, I took another bite from my Twix to calm my psychotic shit.


Rajin is lowkey Yandere though

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