Chapter 7

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The bell for dismissal rang, and as usual, students hurriedly went out of the classroom. I eyed Jihae who was hurriedly arranging her stuff so I stood up from my seat and went up to her.

“Ji-”I was about to say but she just ignored me and walked past me, not even looking at me, as if I wasn't there.

I just looked at Jihae as she left the classroom, and then heaved out a sigh, I really should make up to her. She's really mad.

“Hey,”Namjoon suddenly whispered on my ear, which surprised me a bit, but I didn't show any reaction. I turned to face him, “What?”

Namjoon frowned a bit, as he was crossing his arms on his chest while looking at me, “Why do you seem down?”

“Jihae.”I said, which made Namjoon go "ah" and sat on Jihae's desk, still crossing his arms on his chest while looking at me worriedly, “You know, it's actually Jihae's loss that she doesn't want to acknowledge you. To be honest, you don't even have to apologize that she wasn't able to copy the answers. Jihae is being immature. ”

“But why do I feel like it's on me? I mean, everybody got a free time this night except Jihae since she has to make a hundred paged assignment in math.... I understand how Jihae feels and it's unfair.”I said. Namjoon just pursed his lips for a moment, and then he sighed,

“You're too nice.”

He said, smiling, and his deep dimples appeared on both sides of his cheeks. He went up to me and arranged my glasses, “Why does your glasses keep on sliding off?” he laughed, “Anyway, Jihae is probably at the library now, so I'll come with you to talk to her.”

As we were walking in the hallway towards the library, a comfortable silence surrounded me and Namjoon, only the sound of students laughing, talking, and running around are heard in this typical school hallway.

“Your performance is tomorrow night, right?” I asked, interrupting the silence between us. Namjoon nodded, “Yeah, and I'm excited. You'll come, right?”

“Of course I would.”I said, “You should come to your practice now.” Namjoon shook his head, “They can wait. They're gonna stay over at my house tonight so it's fine. I'll come with you first.”

I suddenly felt nervous and giddy, the usual weird feeling that I get when I'm with Namjoon, and as what Mr. So told me, it's admiration.

Namjoon and I were about to enter the library when someone cleared his throat behind us, “Ms. Hong Rajin.”

I turned back, and so did Namjoon, then we found our principal, Mr. Shik, crossing his arms on his chest as he was looking at me dead serious.

Why did he call me?

Mr. Shik looked at Namjoon, “You can leave now, Kim Namjoon. Rajin, come with me.” he says and he walked away. I looked at Namjoon, he just looked at me and smiled, “I'll wait for you outside his office.”

I nodded and followed Mr. Shik.

“What is the meaning of this?! You, a very honorable student, gave out answers in the test?” Mr. Shik scolded me, and I think the veins on his neck are going to explode any minute now.

So apparently Jihae told the principal about what I did earlier. It's not shocking, since I already expected that would happen because of Jihae's evident anger towards me. 

Mrs. Go and my father is in the principal's office too. Mrs. Go was sitting on a sofa at the side of the room, while my father sat at the guest chair in front of Mr. Shik's table. Mrs. Go was crossing her arms on her chest, as she was clicking her tongue in dissapointment, but she managed to let out a grin, as if she likes seeing a student suffering.

On the other hand, my father didn't look stressed even a bit, even this is the first time I got caught doing something stupid and being called in the principal's office for cheating in class.

Mr. Shik's face was red from anger, and he breathed a few times to calm himself, “You should've been expelled for what you have done, but since your father has such huge shares in this school, I cannot do that.” Mr. Shik said, his hands forming into fists, “But you have to take a thousand paged homework with you. You have five days to finish-”

“I'll do it now.” I suddenly blurted out. I don't even know how can I answer a thousand paged homework in this hour.

Mrs. Go sighed, “Hong Rajin, we've got a teachers' meeting in an hour. We've got no time to wait for you while you answer the papers.”

“Give me 20 minutes.”I said.

Where did I get this level of confidence?

Mrs. Go and Mr. Shik exchanged uneasy looks. My father just looked at me boredly.

I placed the pencil on the thousand paged book that they made me answer, “Done.” I said, and looked at Mr. Shik, who had his jaw dropped, and Mrs. Go, whose eyes widened.

Mr. Shik checked on his wristwatch, “Y-Y-You f-finished a t-thousand p-paged activity book in just s-sixteen m-minutes?” he stuttered.

oh, my calculation was wrong. I thought I would finish this in 20 minutes.

Mr. Shik looked at my father, "CEO Hong, your daughter is in a whole another level of genius!” my father just chucked and shrugged, “No, she just studies a lot.”

He stood up, “Now if you excuse us, we have to go home now.”my father said, as he started walking towards the door, “Let's go, Rajin.” I followed my father out of the room, and Namjoon was waiting outside of the room, just like what he told me.

When Namjoon saw me, his eyes widened and was about to talk to me when I gave him a signal that he shouldn't come near since my father is here, and he immediately understood that.

I was just following my father behind his back, so I turned back to Namjoon and mouthed, "I guess I can't come to your practice later. Sorry."

Namjoon just smiled as he nodded, "Okay."


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