Chapter 21

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On the weekend, I didn't do anything much. I just slept through the whole day of Saturday, and on Sunday I was reading novels and comic books in my room while listening to modern songs, and I even decided to watch some western TV shows and Japanese Anime.

My father rarely comes home today, so I'm guessing that he's on a business trip or he was really busy in his office, working on another weapon experiment for the Korean Forces or the government or something.

Nothing really special happened to me on the weekends, but staying in my room the whole day while reading fiction and watching fictuous shows isn't really that bad.

It was Monday, and I got up early to get ready for school. I felt very fresh and energized when I woke up. Maybe it's because of the good night's sleep that I got last night.

While I was scrubbing my body, I noticed that the stitched up wound on my right arm isn't there anymore. Not even a scar is present. It was odd, but I didn't mind that much, I guess I just heal fast.

After I got ready for school, I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to the dining room, and I found my father already there, reading a newspaper in front of his breakfast.

When he saw me, he immediately folded his newspaper and placed it aside. He looked at me as he let out a smile, "good morning, Rajin." I bowed a 90 degree bow, "Good morning, father." "Have a seat, eat your breakfast." He said, as he took a sip of his coffee. I nodded and did as I was told.

Dark circles are visible under my father's eyes, and his hair has some visible gray streaks.

"Is your workplace stressing you out more, father?" I asked as I slurped on a mushroom and chicken soup. My father nodded, "Yes, but it's all part of my job." Then he looked at me directly in the eyes, as if he knew all the secrets that I'm hiding, "How about you? How's school?"

"School's fine, father. I'm doing well in my studies." I said. My father nodded, "of course. You are very smart. I don't question about your grades. There's nothing that you don't know about..." he took a sip from his coffee again, "But I heard that your classmate attempted to kill herself last Friday, but failed since you managed to catch her while she fell off."

I remembered Jihae's bloody arms while she was standing at the edge of the building. I remember her stabbing herself, and I remember holding her bloody hand, preventing her to fall. And then I remembered my mother, dead on the floor, as she was looking at me directly.

The grip on my spoon went tighter, but I managed to calm myself down by drinking a hot chocolate.

"Mr. Shik told me that your reflexes amazed him, and you were too fast on catching your classmate." My dad said, "how did you feel that day?" He asked me. I looked at my food for a moment. I felt everyone around me moved in a really slow pace, as if I can only move normally.

"I felt weird."I said, "My feet just moved on their own accord."

My father nodded, "I'm proud that you did a really heroic deed." Then he leaned back on his chair, "Anyway, besides school, I heard that most students in your age are already having a romantic relationship."

At that moment, I felt my whole body tensed as I remembered the time when Namjoon and I made out in his room... any chance.... does my father knew about it?

"Who are you seeing now?" My father asked, "I don't really want to be that annoying father, but I am concerned." "I'm not seeing anybody." I said. My father just nodded, "What about Kim Namjoon?"

I felt like someone just poured a bucket of dry ice on my back.

"No, we're just friends." I said. My father sighed, "You know what? I'll not force you yo admit your feelings. But if you want to tell me something, just tell me. I am trying to change, Rajin. I'm trying to be a better father since I know that I was an asshole of a father a few months ago." My father let out a warm smile as he patted my back. He stood up, "I'm late for my work, just finish eating your breakfast and go to school."

He said before he left me alone in the dining room, dumbfounded.

"Sup, Rajin?" Hyungbae went up to my desk, as I was writing this special assignment that our Literature teacher gave me since he said that I'm good at calligraphy.

It was recess time, so most of my classmates are out of the classroom to buy food, and some just remained in the classroom to study or to sleep, or to do some calligraphy that I didn't really like to do, but I was forced by my teacher.

"Hey,"I said, not looking up at Hyungbae and just focused myself on re-writing this English poem.

"Your penmanship is really nice." Hyungbae commented, looking at what I'm doing. "Thanks, I get that a lot." I said. "Your hand is so still, you can be a neurosurgeon." Hyungbae added, "I also get that a lot." I laughed.

When I was finished on re-writing the poem, I cracked my knuckles. Hyungbae just clapped, "Waa, this is too pretty. It feels like someone back in time wrote this." Hyungbae said, admiring my penmanship. "Oh please, it's not that good." I said. "Now you're being humble." Hyungbae said.

"Anyway, can you come with me to Mr. Jeong's office? He told me to do that." I asked, and Hyungbae nodded, "sure."

We walked to the faculty room, and to Mr. Jeong's table. He admired my work, praised me for my "aesthetically pleasing handwriting" and then we went out of the Faculty room, just casually walking in the hallways.

When we were near our classroom, we met Namjoon, Hoseok, and Haegi in the hallway. Namjoon was directly staring at me with a serious look on his face, as he was carrying two cans of rootbeer. Hoseok and Haegi looked at Hyungbae and then me for a few seconds, then they looked at the mad Namjoon.

"Oh, hey, Namjoon, Hoseok, Haegi." Hyungbae greeted. Namjoon just looked at me, his face blank, as he suddenly gave me the rootbeer and he entered the classroom without saying a word.

"What's up with him?" Hyungbae asked. I shrugged. "I recommend you to stay away from him for a few hours." Hoseok told Hyungbae and Haegi just patted Hyungbae's back as they entered the classroom.

Hyungbae turned to me, "Why?" I just shrugged as I opened the can of rootbeer, and took a few gulps. I offered the can to Hyungbae and he accepted it. "I guess he's upset." I stated out the obvious.


is the storyline too slow? Damn it's already chapter 21 and the story is not even half told yet I'm sorry

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