Chapter One

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I'm back with a new story! The two club names are 'Warriors' and 'Rebels.' They're probably both real biker clubs, so if they are, just know I'm not stealing the names purposely.

Now, onto the story. Please don't forget to vote and comment! Enjoy.

I walked down the dark alleyway as rain began to drizzle down on me. I pulled my leather jacket tighter to my body and was already pissed by the dreary weather that was going to ruin my clothes.

I continued down the alley, suddenly feeling as if I was being watched. I glanced behind me, shaking a little as the cold water pelted down on me. This was just great- it was like a horror movie. You know, the one where the girl gets raped, stabbed, and left to die. Or something like that.

I wasn't typically a nervous person but right now as I continued walking, I had the feeling that someone else was here with me. I really wished I had the guys for back up. More specifically, my club, or 'my boys' as I called them sometimes.

Most of the time I carried a gun in the band of my jeans because I never knew when shit was going to hit the fan, but stupid me left it at the clubhouse. So here I was, weaponless and looking like a drowned cat in the middle of the night.

I turned the corner, finally out of the alley, but a hand wrapped around my mouth before I could celebrate the fact that I hadn't just been gutted alive.

''If you scream, I'll fucking kill you,'' he whispered in my ear, his hot breath on my neck.

That's basically what every murderer says to you before he drags you away, has his way with you, and then kills you when he's done. So to say I was a scared was an understatement. No, I was terrified.

''Walk,'' he said, releasing me. I felt cold metal press against my back and I had to guess that it was a gun. Nonetheless, I walked ahead, hiding in the shadows of the street lights.

I let out a shaky breath even though I meant to hold it in. He didn't need to know that I was afraid, but it was too late for that now. ''What do you want with me?''

''Club business,'' he hissed.

I sighed. I should've known. ''Are you one of the Rebels?'' I asked. They were our rivals, so it would make sense that they'd hold me hostage to get up under my club's skin or send them a warning.

''That's none of your fucking business. Just walk and shut up if you want to keep your teeth,'' he growled as we came up to an abandoned house. 

I rolled my eyes. What an ass.


I was tied to a chair in the old abandoned house and I didn't have a damn clue why I was here. Maybe something was going on between the two clubs that I didn't know about. Sometimes the guys kept things to themselves, as much as I hated it. They didn't want me to get hurt. At least, that's what they always said.

I was more or less like the 'queen' around there, the guys cared for me and would take a bullet for me. Yes, that sounds conceited, but it's true. I'd do the same for them any day too. They knew I could take care of myself, but I was also careless and forgetful at times, leaving my gun behind. So they kept an eye on me most of the time.

Today was different though. I convinced them that I'd be fine on my own, and boy was I wrong. Luckily, I thought I knew who these guys were, and they weren't going to kill me right off the bat.

They'd make it a big deal and probably wouldn't kill me unless my club was watching it with their own eyes. Whoever was holding me here knew that I meant a lot to them, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here right now.

I was almost positive that I was being held by the Rebels. Who else would want to kidnap me?

The door to my left flew open and I almost jumped out of my skin. This was just great.

I turned to look at my kidnapper's face for the first time and did a double take. I scanned my eyes down his body and back up again. He was probably six feet tall with brown hair, blue eyes, and tattoos. A lot of tattoos. I'm not going to lie, he's hot. Smoking hot.

What was wrong with me? I should be pissed at him. No wait, I was pissed at him.

''Here to rape and kill me?'' I asked bluntly.

He narrowed his eyes and came closer to me before kneeling down by my chair. My heart was in my throat instantly, beating 100 miles per hour.

''I wouldn't encourage the idea, if I were you,'' he said, his voice softer than I remember. His hand reached up towards my face, and I tried to move away from his reach but was unsuccessful. His hand trailed down the side of my face and made me shiver.

''Why would you care? You're the one that kidnapped me, you bastard,'' I spat.

He slapped my face suddenly and I hissed in pain. ''Sweetheart, you might want to keep your fucking mouth shut. I was just trying to spare you some pain. This is club business, I already told you that. I don't kidnap women for a living.''

''Really? Would've fooled me,'' I rolled my eyes. The pain in my cheek seemed to subside slowly.

He smirked at me, and I was sure my eyes doubled in size. What the hell was he smirking about? ''You're feisty. I like that.''

''What? What the hell did you just say?'' I asked, cursing as he stood back up. The smirk fell from his face almost immediately.

''Nothing. Forget about it. Just keep your mouth shut. I don't want to hear a word out of this room. Understand?'' His rough voice replied. Whatever trace of softness he showed for a split second before was gone.

''I understand,'' I said through gritted teeth. ''Can I at least get your name?''

''Jesse Miller,'' he spoke before he slammed the door shut and I heard the lock click.

I knew who he was now. He was indeed a club member of the Rebels. More importantly, he was the guy that handled the dirty work. The leader, the President. Everyone knew who Jesse was, even if they'd never met him before.

Last year Ryder, the President of my club, told me that he tortured and killed a member of the Warriors before I had been sworn into the club. It was brutal and it was only to get revenge because he had lost one of his guys in a gunfight. The man Jesse killed was beaten alive and his body was dropped at our clubhouse doors.

He was one of the most well-known criminals in town, not to mention one of the most dangerous.

So why was I suddenly so calm and collected? Maybe because I knew there was slim to no chance of me getting out of there now, so why fight against it when it wasn't going to do any good?

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