Chapter Four

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Jesse took me back into the room where I had been tied the past three days. I had nothing to say as he pushed me into the chair and tied my arms back behind it. What was there to say?

 To my surprise, he was being somewhat gentle. I don't know what got into him but I wasn't going to question it either.

''Do you need anything?'' he asked. 

''I could use some water,'' I admitted. I glanced up at his bright, blue eyes.

He nodded and left the room, coming right back in with a glass. He tipped it over for me and I drank it fast. I hadn't had water in forever. ''Thanks,'' I muttered.

He sat down near me and put the glass down beside him on the floor. I frowned. Didn't he have more important things to do? I wasn't very fond of the way he was looking at me.

''I'm surprised,'' I started.

''Surprised by what?'' His eyes met mine.

''That you haven't hurt me. Besides the slap,'' I said quietly.

''You want me to hurt you?'' he raised his eyebrows, challenging me.

''That's not what I said,'' I shook my head. ''I mean, you're Jesse Miller. You're known as the killer, the guy who's heart is made of ice. Everyone knows who you are. I just...I don't know.''

''Everyone knows you too,'' he smirked lightly, apparently not insulted. ''And I don't kill women, unless I have to...or if they're just a pain in my ass. That's what Steve is for.''

''Psh, that makes me feel better,'' I muttered, looking down at him. ''Anyway, why are you here, talking to little ole me?''

''You're different, not like the other women I've come across. I don't know,'' Jesse admitted, shrugging. ''It's not like I have anything better to do right now since someone's got to watch over you, right?''

I almost choked on my own spit from the honesty in his words but how would he know what I'm like? ''Yeah, I...I guess you're right,'' I stuttered. Fuck Sage, get it together.

Jesse chuckled lightly and stood up from the ground. ''I'll be right back, don't move.''

''Couldn't even if I wanted to,'' I said as he walked out the door. For some reason he was growing on me, but why? He was my kidnapper for fuck's sake.

Jesse came back into the room holding a damp rag. I frowned at him again as he kneeled down to me, not too far from my face. His hand reached towards me and I flinched away quickly.

''Relax. I'm not going to hurt you,'' he said as he started wiping off the dried blood on my face. I was finding it hard to believe that he was the guy who killed hundreds of men, without being caught mind you, was here cleaning blood off of a chick's face who he barely even knew. 

Jesse tossed the rag across the room and sat back down where he was prior to leaving. ''Better?''

''Better. So are you planning on starving me for two more days, or how does this work now since you're trying to be Mr. Nice Guy?" I asked.

''What are you talking about?'' Jesse asked, leaning back on the palms of his hands.

I couldn't help but admire his muscles and tattoos as he leaned back. The tattoos curved so well with his body and his tanned skin made him look like every girl's dream guy. He was definitely cute, but I'm sure no one would ever dare to use that word for him.

Damn, what was wrong with me? I couldn't even remember what I had been talking about at this point.

 I snapped my eyes back up to his and he was smirking. He had caught me gawking over him. Nice move, Sage.

''You're drooling sweetheart,'' Jesse chuckled.

''Oh fuck you.''

''You wanna?'' Jesse asked.

''Wanna what?'' I asked, confused.

''Fuck me,'' he said.

I blushed so hard I swear I had to look like a tomato. ''Oh god, that's so not what I meant.''

''It was worth a shot.'' He was enjoying watching me squirm and I knew it.

''You're a real ass, you know that?'' I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

''And you're a real bitch, for kicking my guy in the balls,'' Jesse copied my facial expression. 

''The bastard deserved it. Just like you deserve a boot up your ass for tying me to this stupid chair. A sweet, pretty girl like me,'' I said with confidence, hoping to get myself out of this. Of course I didn't think so highly of myself, but I'd do just about anything to get out of this chair for a little while.

''I can play that game too,'' Jesse said. He had caught on quick.


''Of course,'' he replied, standing up and walking over towards me. Leaning down, he whispered in my ear. ''I'll untie you for a little while, but don't even think about getting any ideas. Otherwise I'll--''

''You'll send Steve after me?'' I asked.



Jesse had given me food and let me stay untied for about three hours last night although he never took his eyes off me because he was afraid I'd bolt. Lucky for him, I had no intentions of doing that. Steve was around here somewhere, after all. He honestly scared the shit out of me. Well hell, Jesse did too but Steve was worse right now.

It was about 10AM now, according to the clock. Since I had nothing better to do and was bored shit less, I figured hey, why not sing? It was a damn shame I didn't have music, but this would have to do.

Just as I started singing the lyrics to my favorite song, Jesse walked in and gave me a dirty look. "What? I suck that bad?"

"You do," he responded.

"No one told you to come down here at this exact moment," I shot back. I wasn't even mad, though, I knew I wasn't a good singer.

"You want this food or not?" He smirked. Jesse knew he had the power and he loved it. His muscles flexed. 

I shut my mouth and nodded at him. "Sure do." I took the bowl of cereal from him and chowed down.

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