Chapter Fourteen

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Short chapter. Hope you enjoy!

It was like I was in this deep, dark hole and no matter what I did I couldn't wake up. I could hear whispering, but I couldn't make out who it was and I definitely couldn't open my eyes to see who it was.

All I knew was that I was in a lot of pain and lucky for me I remembered why. I was shot. Stupid me for smacking the gun out of that officer's hand, huh? What was I thinking? Oh right, I wasn't.

The voices got louder and I recognized them as Jesse, Ryder, and Damien. I was shocked to the core that Jesse was here: alive and talking. Though I guess the guys did owe him one for bringing me back alive.

''How did the cops find you?'' Ryder asked Jesse, I assumed.

''They must have been watching the clubhouse and caught me leaving,'' Jesse replied in an unusually calm tone. Damn, you get shot once and everyone loses their marbles.

''Why are they even after you?" Ryder responded. 

"No clue. My tracks are covered." Jesse sighed.

I heard grumbling and then someone squeezed my right hand. I managed to squeeze their's back.

''Did she just move?'' Damien asked.

''She moved,'' Jesse said. Now I could tell that he was the one holding my hand.

''Don't talk about me like I can't hear you,'' I choked out. My throat felt like the desert.

''You son of a bitch,'' I heard Ryder chuckle.

''I've heard it before,'' I forced my eyes open. Jesse was leaning over me slightly and Ryder and Damien were standing at the door with guns. Why didn't that surprise me?

''Thought we were losing you, sweetheart,'' Jesse muttered, linking our fingers together. I couldn't believe how sweet he was being, especially in front of the guys.

''I'm not going anywhere, pretty boy.''

''Pretty boy?'' Ryder spat.

''Yep,'' I turned my head back to Jesse. He was smirking of course.

''How are you feeling?'' he asked.

''Well my leg hurts like a bitch.''

''We figured that much,'' Damien dropped down on the other side of the bed, and I heard the gun drop to the floor. ''Take these,'' he handed me two pills.

''Are you trying to drug me?''

''Nah,'' Damien smirked, helping me up into a sitting position. Jesse reached over and handed me a cup of water which I quickly thanked him for.

I swallowed what I assumed was pain killers and leaned back down into my pillows. I had been shot once before, in the arm, but that didn't compare to this pain at all. It probably had to do with the fact that it was right above my ankle.

But hell, getting shot was going to hurt either way.

''You think the cop made it back to the station okay?'' I asked Jesse.

''Yeah, it wouldn't have taken him long to wake back up. If he hadn't, we would've had the cops busting down the doors hours ago,'' he replied.

''Hours ago? How long have I been out?''

Jesse turned on his phone and showed me the time. It was 10AM. I had been out since last night. ''Well damn.''

''That's what we were saying,'' Damien said, pulling out a cigarette.

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