Chapter 10: The fight

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Jade's POV

I hope this is a good outfit

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I hope this is a good outfit. Someone knocked on my door. Since Jace couldn't pick me up, Ricardo is driving me. I opened the door.

"You look amazing".

"Thanks Rico".

"Looks like you're my date".

"Why do you say that"?

"Me and Jada broke up".


"She was being controlling. Plus she said that if I wanna keep going out with her, I have to ignore you. I couldn't do that so I broke up with her".

"I'm sorry Ricardo".

"It's cool".

He held out his arm.

"Shall we"?

I giggled. I intertwined my arm with his.

"We shall".

We laughed as went to the car.

At Jace's house

Ricardo held the door open for me.


"No problem. It's only been thirty minutes and this place is swarming with people. I'm going to get something to drink, you want some"?


He left. Jace went up to me.

"Hey babe".

"Hey Jace".

He kept looking around.

"So, I was wondering-".

"I'll talk to you later".

He ran off. Ricardo came back with our drinks.

"Thanks Rico", I said taking my drink.

"No prob".

I looked down.

"What's wrong"?

"It's just. It feels like Jace and I are growing apart".

"I'm sure everything will work out, I'm going to go back to the car. I don't really know anyone here except for Lance".


He left. I walked around getting bumped into a lot. Then, I saw something that made me drop my drink. Jace and Isabela were making out. I started tearing up. I ran out of there and to Ricardo's car and started crying.

"What's wrong", he asked concerned.

"I saw Jace and Isabela making out".


I nodded. He got out of the car slamming the door.


I got out of the car and followed him.

Ricardo's POV

I can't believe that Jace would cheat on Jade! I knew he was a player. I went into Jace's house and went up to Lance.

"Hey Ricardo".

"Where's Jace"?

"In the living room, why what's going on"?

"Jace cheated on Jade".

"What, who would do that"?!

I gave him a look.

"I said it was a mistake"!

I forgave Lance for cheating on Jade but right now, I need to find Jace. I went into the living room with Lance and Jade following me. I saw Jace with Isabela on the couch making out. I went up to him.

"What do you think your doing"?

"Making out with Isabela".

"I thought you were dating Jade".

He stood up.

"I was, now I'm not, that's why I told her to come".

"You're such a dick".


He pushed me.

"Oh", the crowd went.

I pushed him back.


He tackled me to the ground.


He started punching me. Everyone chanted fight over and over again. I turned him over and I was on top. I started punching him. Then, Sean punched me in the nose knocking me to the ground. Then he and Jace started beating me up. Until Lance tackled Sean to the ground.


Jace was about to punch me again but he accidentally punched Jade instead.

Jade's POV

I have to help Ricardo. I tried to stop Jace but he accidentally punched me. I held my nose. He looked at me.


He got cut off by Ricardo punching.

"Ricardo stop"!

He stopped and looked at me.

"Let's just go home".

He got up. Lance got off of Sean. We went outside.

"Thanks Lance".

"No problem, I'll see you guys later".


He left. I looked at Ricardo.

"Look Jade-".

I hugged him and cried into his chest. He hugged me back.

"It's okay. It's okay".

We got into the car and we went to his house.

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