Chapter 12

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Brandons POV

I am in my last class of the day. I watch every single tick of the clock makes 5 minutes before we get out of school. I am so nervous my stomach is doing cartwheels. The clock finally hits 3:30 and I spring out of my seat. I walk out the door but my Best friend Carter starts talking to me.

"Hey, Brandon how's it going? We haven't really talked since last year." he says not losing eye contact. You see, Carter has had a big crush on me for years. However, now that he for sure knows that I'm gay, he is trying to get with me.

"Really good actually. I am enjoying my senior year so far" I say not really wanted to continue the conversation any further.

"That's great! So listen I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner with me tonight. Maybe even watch a movie?" He says. Hope in his eyes.

"Sorry Carter I already have plans tonight. Maybe another time? See you later" I feel bad for always shooting him down but, I really only see him as a friend.

"Bye" he says sounding heart broken again.

I won't let Carter spoil my good mood. I get in my car and drive to my house blaring Lana Del Rey. She is my queen so of course I would. It is about 4:30 when I get to my house, and no one is home. Thank God. I can't have my family question who I am going to see. That would almost be as worse as someone at school finding out.

I take a quick shower so I smell good for him. I put on a red fitted button up shirt and a pair of black jeans. I don't want to give off the desperate impression. I style my hair and then watch a little bit of Netflix then it is time to head out.

I take out the slip of paper that he wrote his address on and smile just seeing his handwriting. As I'm driving over there, many thoughts fill my head.

What if I'm not good enough? He is just trying to embarrass me in front of my peers? What if he just wants to get in my pants and then break my heart? What if- I cut myself off and look in the mirror one more time. You can do this. Just be yourself. I frown knowing how nerves get the best of me but smile and shake off the nerves.

I get out of the car and walk to his front door. As I lift my hand to ring the doorbell, I lower it. Contemplating turning around and calling this whole thing off. That's the whole thing, with this I'm going to have to push myself out of my comfort zone. Even if the risks are high. I raise my hand and ring it. Waiting for my choices to either steer me on the right Road or off course.

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