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Life's a roller coaster

It has it's ups , downs , turns and upside downs

It's bumps where you think your going to fall out

But also the parts where your laughing and clapping

At some point you decide whether or not you will continue to ride the roller coaster or jump out and run

When that time came for me I decided to jump and run

Many ask why and others understand

I did it because I wanted faith to help control my life but with less downs and turns

At point when running your going to come to the edge of the cliff

But the question is did you run off or did people push you off

Sometimes it's a mixture of both

And in that moment I have always remembered two quotes

"You can push me off a cliff but I would blame myself for standing to close to the edge," and in those moments I blame myself.

Because I know what you were capable of and decided to stand close to the edge while you standing just inches behind me

But I also remember this one

"Do not fear my child , for if you run off the cliff God will catch you or teach you to fly"

The reason I remember this one is because no matter what when you think your close to landing on the floor your not

Because God is just beginning to teach you how to spread your wings and soar

For God will not allow you to fall with out teaching you a lesson and catching you

Because after every action is a story behind it

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