Love Doesnt Hurt

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Many people say love hurts

But I don't think love hurts

Lies hurt

Cheating hurts

Broken promises hurt

And loving the wrong person hurts

But not only that hurts

But people do not know the true meaning of love

And they through the word love around like its nothing.

Lies hurt they really do

Many do it because well they just don't care

But sometimes the person you love lies because they know the truth would of hurt you

It's just I think they don't understand that when you find out the truth it hurts so much more

But let's get to it

I have loved people and they have said they loved me back

But they're actions never resembled the meaning of love

Sometimes those people that "loved" me created difficult times in my life

At a point I wanted to give up

But at a point you realize

You realize that the reason they're actions don't resemble love because they don't know what love is

They want to be loved just don't know how to love and it hurts

When the person you love doesn't love you the same way you do it kills you inside

It eats up your heart ,your mind and your very soul

Thoughts run through your head

"Why doesn't he/she love me?"

But listen to me

It's not you because you are beautiful and have every reason to be loved it's them

For they do not know how to love because they have never been loved by the people they should have been loved by.

I guess the point is in life is also to learn that

People will lie to you , hurt you and betray you and some how you need to forgive them and realize they loved you just didn't know how to show it

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