Lifes Tunnel

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Have you ever sat in your room alone in dark and it's like really quiet ?

It's a rainy day and you listen to the pitter patter of the rain and the ticking of a clock .

And as you sit there memories just flood back and in this particular moment in time life isn't so good ?

Well yea I mean everyone has had those days .

And through out this time your thinking about how everything has gone totally wrong .

It's like this dark long long tunnel where you see the monsters if life and as you run in the tunnel you wonder will I ever get out .

It's kind of hard to think you will ever get out .

In this moment of time as you run through the tunnel there's a point where you fall .

And though you did not want to fall you did

In that moment tears begin to stream down your face

And these cries are as loud as the thunders of the storm

And your tears are as real as the rain drops of the clouds when they begin to cry

You begin to wonder "will I ever find my way out?"

But please do not fear my child

For ever one has a moment in life as they fall and everything , everything seems as if it is crashing down all around them

But remember after every storm there is a rainbow

I mean storms are just the clouds crying

And after a while the sun begins to shine right

So please do not fear and think you won't make it out because you will

Because there's an end to every tunnel and a light where every tunnel ends .

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