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Long ass chapter :)

For the past 3 days, Y/N has been able to eat, hydrate, clean herself like a normal person should everyday, and the abuse would lessen although harsh names and insults would be thrown at her but she couldn't complain, not at her situation anyways.

"Drink or dehydrate til you die. Choose"

To reality she was back again, she softly combed her hair. It was short now, the man had suggested to cut it off, and it was a good idea since it was hot in the room. She watched as the man's back was facing her, pace from left to right.


She wasn't one for apologies but she had grown an habit to do so, even if none of it was her fault she just felt like she needed to apologize. Gulping down the water she had heard a soft click and shuffling sounds and before she knows it, the man was now hovering above her, mask still on and he had a box in his hands.


The man said nothing but pushed the box at the side and cupped the frightened girl's cheeks in his big hands, sighing as he does so. Examining her frightened features, he wanted to get rid of it and earn her trust but he knew what the price would be so he needed to be bad, he needed to hear her apologize, he just needed it. He let go of her cheeks and walked away in the far corner, taking out his phone, for someone had texted him.

"Get dressed, we're going out"

Her jaws fell the down, as she stared at her master's back, he was wearing a casual outfit and by the looks of it he had a great fashion sense. She blushed and looked at the box, slowly reaching for it when a hand stopped her from doing so.

"On second thoughts let's not go outside, let's just stay in here"

He grabbed the box, and reached inside his pocket for the key. Y/N couldn't help but whimper, she was not in the position to not follow her master's wishes but she really had hoped to go outside and finally see the sun and outside world. It was just frustrating.


Although she was mostly talking to herself, the masked man stopped fishing for the key in his pocket and waved it around the girl.


She was just really frustrated.

"I-I wanna g-go o-outside"

The man ached his eyebrow and stood up, dropping the box and shoving the key back in his pockets. He grabbed something else from inside his pockets, a small knife.

"What do you want again? Say it aloud this time"

He hid the knife at his back and slowly walked towards the quivering girl, she stood up and wiped pulled her short brown locks. Harshly.

"I-I... I w-wanna go o-outside! You told m-me we would g-go outside! B-but now we're not?!"

She looked down and pulled her hair more, hoping the pain could distract her from her delusional self, because she knew one more wrong move and she's dead for.

"Did you just yell at me?"

The man stopped walking, his tone was calm. So calm, it was strange for a situation like he would've freaked out and punish her, whipped her or at least punch her but he wasn't doing anything he was just standing there hands behind, hiding something from her vision. She wasn't dumb she knew it was something that could harm her therefore she picked up the closest hard object beside her and held it with great force.


With that she swung the bat and fell down the cold pavement, her blood pooling oozing out of her head.

The masked man sighed, he dropped the knife and jogged towards the bleeding woman laying lifeless on the floor. He carried her towards his room, blood dripping down forming a red trail, he made a mental note to clean it later. He laid the girl down on his bed gently before going in the bathroom to get all wet cloth.

"Why is it that whenever I meet you"

He caressed her soft hair and let out a heavy sigh.

"Your always asleep"

"You don't deserve her that's why"

"Your a monster"

"You made me do those things!"

"Why is it that only you get to see her awake?!why can't I?"

"You are a monster, no one wants a monster"

"Fuck you"

"We both know I'm right"

". . ."

Sleep 睡觉 - Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now