Part 3

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Romeo's POV

It's getting dark. Xara and I were still walking in the forest and still haven't found the way to get back the underneath.

After a while, I just noticed Xara is having a cold or she could be sick. That's why every time I just heard the sneeze. I think I know why she's having a sneeze because she can't handle the cold temperature since we're on the cold biome. I'm a little but worry now so I must concern to her.

"Hey Xara... Are you okay ? I think we should stop walking and take a rest at whole night" I concerned

"No thanks ! I'm fine !!!" She said angrily. She doesn't care about it but she sneezed loudly.

"You're not fine ! You need a rest"

"I said 'I'm fine'"

"Please stop acting like a tsundere ? You'll be very sick if you don't rest... Here"

I tried to concern as I can. I got too close to her slowly without making her provoke. I almost slowly placed my arm around her shoulder which means I had to comfort her. Suddenly, she slapped my arm when she noticed me what I'm doing with her. I groaned.

"Just don't touch me ! I'm really fine !" Then she sneezed so badly and coughed too hard.

I don't know why she sounds so rude and doesn't care about the fact of herself. Every time I told her that I should help her but sometimes, she doesn't want let me to help. But I did help her from falling off the bridge, almost drowning, and throbbing pain on her arm. And now, I really CARE so much for her now but she's still doing like this. I think she really hates me but she did almost get along with me.

I guess I know why she is acting in a careless way because of me and she thinks I'm still a bad*ss. It's my fault for I did everything about something including Xara mostly when I have admin powers. And now, I'm so very worry. I really bad for her. She's so really weak right now...

"Please Xara ! You're very sick ! Let me help you ! I remember I did help you ?"

"How many times did I had to tell you ?! I'm literally fine ! It's just a normal sneeze ! And for the last time, I'm fine !!! SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME !"

I gasped when she shouted at me. Oh author, this sick-o-lady really needs some milk to calm down or cure from her sickness.

Suddenly, I noticed a droplet fell down to my nose. Then I noticed some more of them fell down. Wait ! It's raining !

"Xara !" I yelled as I put her head under my chest and ran to the nearest cave.

We finally went inside from the rain. Good thing she didn't completely get wet and now, well, I almost get wet.

I let her to sit down on the ground and leaned to the wall to take her rest.

"Just take a rest, Xara... Just stay here while I'll get something to make the fire" I told softly as I patted her head. Then she nodded and now, I went off in the cave.

After a few minutes, I went back to her. I placed the torch on the ground almost next to her so she'll keep her warm. I sat down beside with her but almost away from her because she told me about that.

After that, I just felt something on my hand. It's someone's touching my hand. Is it Xara ? So I looked down at my hand and I saw her hand is touching mine. Then I looked at her and asked me 'Can we talk ?'. After a few seconds, I nodded.

Xara moved a little bit close and put her arms around me. I realized she did hug me as I blushed. But she told me before about she doesn't want me to do on her like I should not get close to her. Wonder why ?

"Romeo, you are right... I need to take a rest... I'm sorry for being rude at you, being careless myself, not listening to you, and mostly for not letting you to help me... It's because you're... you're an evil man like an idiot... And now, i realized you did care about me without being harm on me" She said sadly

"Of course I CARE you a lot without being harm on you ! I care you even we're oldest friends because we want to go back to the underneath, our home. We should keep continue to walk to the find the way to get back to the underneath tomorrow"

"Yeah... You're right"

After that, she suddenly sneezed loudly. So I put her head on my chest and I put my arms around her to comfort.

"We should get some sleep"


"Goodnight, Xara... Sleep dreams... You'll be okay tomorrow"

"Goodnight Romeo"

They both finally slept

Third Person's POV

Suddenly, a strange person on the bush peeked at the two people are sleeping in the cave. She did spied on them the whole time until she growled in rage, fists pump, and kick the block of oak leaves towards to the llama in accident as she was being knocked out.

"Aww ! Sorry my sweet little llama... It's just an accident... Are you okay ?" She concerned to her.

The llama got mad before she hit the llama split to the face of hers. That means she was get rekt.

"I'm so sorry... I'm just gone raging because I can't believe Romeo has a girl... That means he hates me ? Maybe that's why he destroyed my Champion city, don't you think ?! Alright I should get rid of that weak girl and my Baby Darling Romeo will be MINE again !"

She laughed evilly 'WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !' and then she started to sneeze

"You're right, my little llama ! Stay in the rain is a BAD spot for me..."


And finally i post this chapter

Alright you already know who's that behind the bush ! That's right you know the answer because of what the character said and with the llama x,D

Violence and Gore are almost close... Don't worry I'm sure they'll be fine...

That's all... See ya Romara fans ^^

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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