Chapter 14

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Journeys POV

I've missed Hayes so much. Just seeing his tweets about him messaging, tweeting, and face timing me.

I think about him all day, all night, every single day. I feel so drained without him.

Me, Maya, and Lillie have been doing all right and we haven't really done much. Maya and Lillie have been still just facetiming the boys. But I just wanted to start seeing somebody new. I just had some neighbours move in next door, There's 2 teenage boys and they are pretty hot, plus their our age!

We just got a text from all the boys saying there next Magcon is on the 27th in Vancouver. And today is the 2nd. That's 23 days ugh.

It's summer time and it's boiling hot, So me, Maya and Lillie decided on getting Ice Cream. I got bubblegum, Lillie got French Vanilla, and Alexus got Cookie Dough. Then we penny boarded on the pier, then headed back home and made a younow.

--Skips to magcon day--

Today was FINALLY the day we finally get to the all boys. As soon as we all met up with to guys and girls. Each one of us girls ran up to our boyfriends and kissed them roughly.

Maya's POV

I ran up and hopped on Jack and dropped all my bags. Then wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him hard. God I've missed him so much. I can't believe how I met this boy just by going to a meet and greet convention and this happened.. Love is just.. amazing. We all got caught up on talking about there music, events, and other stuff with life. We all boarded the plane. I pulled out my MacBook and started reading my book off Wattpad. Then I fell asleep on Jacks shoulder.

"Goodnight babe, I love you" I whispered to him.

"I love you too beautiful" Jack whispers back.


I woke and we were already in Vancouver. Wow it was probably the most beautiful-list place I've ever been to. We got off the plane and through baggage claim and then headed to The Fairmont Hotel. I was jet lagged, So everybody decided to just take a nap or chill out. I toke a nap and woke up and then got ready to head down to the buffet.


(A/N ; okay so Maya plays as Elena Gilbert off The Vampire Diaries.)


I put some spandex leggings, just a plain obey shirt, and my black vans.

I straighten my hair because It look like electricity attacked my hair. Then downstairs.

"Hey Guys! How was the flight?" I asked everyone.

"Alright, I had some creepy old man sit beside me tho" Taylor says.

Everybody had a good flight except for Taylor, I just started laughing my ass off.

"So what shall we do today?" Tianna says.

"Mmmh.. Well did everybody being there penny's?" Aaron says.

We all nodded our heads and decided to just have a hangout day with each other. I went up with all the girls, But I felt a few pairs of eyes on my ass.

"Better close your mouths before flies come in" I say while not making eye contact at all. They just laughed.

"Oh we weren't looking at all. We were looking at.. Today's special!" Jack says.

"Alright horny bastards!" Mahogany yells.

--Skips the getting ready party and pennyboarding--

I wake up to somebody shaking me to wake me up. And it was Journey,

"What the hell? What do you want!?" I yell out loud.

"Shut up. It's day 1 of Magcon stupid" She says while putting her makeup on.

I was pretty exhausted from last night we were out till 4am and just cruising around the city. I got up and got dressed. I grabbed my iPhone and headed down with Journey.

Journeys POV

We were just finished the part of Magcon where we just dance and sing songs together, now we are at the meet and greet. I toke about a million photos, and they were all such sweet fans to me, plus no hate. Thankfully.

I was leaving Hayes and Nash's station to go get a bottle of water from the vending machine because I haven't really had anything to drink at all today now that I think about it. I see a couple making out, the one girl was from Magcon I could see her neon magcon bracelet. But I couldn't make out who the guy was she was making out with.

Because he has a bracelet that says "MEMBER OF MAGCON"

So I walked pasted them and pretended to use the bathroom and then turned around and I seen who it was... But thankfully her didn't see me walk past them. This wasn't good at all.

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