Chapter 21

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2 years later

Journeys POV

I started a new life I reinvented myself. Shortly after I left I moved to Los Angelos CA. I have to admit I miss the girls like crazy but I did this for my daughter if you didn't no I had a beautiful baby girl named cara elizbeth Benson I gave her my last name so no one would ever no. I now have dirty blonde mid length hair and I have lost all my pregnancy weight. My daughter looks a lot like me but crystal blue eyes Just like Hayes. Brb I want Taco Bell

Maya's POV

I was just visiting Jack in LA with the girls and the boys. we were currently at Nash and Cams house when I got a craving for Taco Bell. I asked if anyone wanted something suprinsingly they declined. I got in my car and drove to Taco Bell I was just about to enter when I bumped into a little girl I was about to apologize until I looked at her she looked a lot like Journey but with the brightest eyes. Her mom came up to I got a good look at her and she avoided eye contact but I knew that face. Journey? She didn't reply she just picked up her daughter and walked into Taco Bell. I walked in grabbed her hand and pulled her out she looked furious and sad all in one. The little girl spoke up saying who is this ratchet mamma? That's definitely Journeys kid lol.

Journeys POV

Just my luck I ran into Maya she now knows it's me and that I have a baby I don't know what to do. I might as well admit. Yes Maya it's me and this is my daughter Cara Elizabeth Benson. OMG JOURN JOURN IS IT REALLY YOU WE ALL MISSED YOU SO MUCH WHERE WERE YOU HOW COME YOU NEVER LET US MEET OUR NEICE!!!
Woah chill out homie Cara said god she is definitely my daughter. I missed you to and I couldn't face Hayes and tell him I was pregnant. You have to come visit everyone please we all miss you like crazy! Maya I can't face Hayes. Don't worry he's out on a date with Madison ewe. I will come for an hour that's it nothing less nothing longer. Yess thank youu let's go! ugh k.

The rest of the girls POV

We saw Maya's car pull up along with another one then they entered. Maya was smiling like crazy but the girl looked terrified and nervous. Sorry if my physics sister creeped you out she's weird alexus says. The girl laughs and says trust me I know Alexus just nods we all introduce our selves then it was her turn. She started to ramble on apologizing and saying sorry then cameron got up ran over to her and she started crying we were all confused until it clicked Journey-y Alexus barely choked out. She just nodded we all ran up to her and hugged her until a little girl who looked around three came up and said witch one of you d bags are my daddy cause Ima punch your sack. Journey turned around and scolded her. wait you have a daughter nash asked. Yes she mumbled is Hayes the fat- Yes she replied I would love to stay but I need to go just then Hayes walked in with the bitch aka Madison.

Hayes POV

I was just going to head to Nash's with Madison. I walked in all eyes were on us everyone glared at us. the girls had tear stained cheeks and there was some beautiful blonde girl who looked very familiar. right when she saw me she whispered to her daughter who looked about 3 maybe? She picked her daughter up and ran out the door to her car not even saying good bye the fuck? The girls were balling and cam ran after her screaming a name which sounded like no it couldnt be Journey? who was the little girl madison looked disgusted she then said ewe I thought that cum infested whore was gone for good this time. Maya got up and punched Madison sqaure in the face and screamed things I couldnt make out cause all I could think about was Journey and all the fun we had and all the times I fucked up.

Journeys POV

i got in my car and sped off as fast as I could I knew this would happen why me why does al this fucked up shit happen to me. I am done with this shit I relised I would need to face this eventually so I turned around got out the car went into nashs house Hayes saw me and tried to talk but I cut him off by saying what I needed to. hayes save it yes its me Journey that baby with me she is yours cara elisebeth benson she doesnt have your last name because I dont want you in her life because you are a peice off shit and Madison will never be in her life she is mine and only mine you better get use to seeing us cause I am done running and we wont be talking to you or your dumb cunt of a girl friend if you have a problem with that you can take it up with my ass because shes the only one that gives a crap beech.

Madison tried to talk but I punched her in the face until her noise snapped then I got up and walked out like a boss.

a/n drama is my faveeee follow our instagrams


sorry its short update in a couple days peace and luv bitches.

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