Chapter 16

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Tianna's POV

Today was the second day of Magcon and then we go to San Diego in 2 days. I haven't talked much to Cam because of the whole incident, that Journey told us about. I don't think that Cameron would ever cheat on me. He loves me and I love him.

Me and Him decided to eat breakfast just the two of us.

"C-Cameron, can I ask you something? And can you be completely honest?" I say while grabbing his hand gently.

"Anything babe" Cameron says.

"Do you promise to not to get mad?" I said getting really nervous and sweaty.

"I promise, now c'mon tell me." He demands.

"Okay.. Well Journey said.. That she was getting a bottle of water, On her way in she seen a girl which was a fan, making out with one of the Magcon boys. Then as all the girls were talking about it, You and Jack came out. So I don't know if it's either you or Jack.."

"Babe.. I would never ever in my whole life, cheat on you. Your my everything, your my other half. You know I would never do that. I love you" He says.

"It's just.. I don't wanna get hurt"

"You won't babe" He says and leans across the table and kisses me roughly. We were in public so this was so embarrassing.. I felt like.. He still wasnt telling me the truth.

I quickly pulled out my iPhone and went into a group convo with all the girls and told them everything.

Maya: 😔😔😅🔫 oh god.

Tianna: I know Jack would never cheat on you. He loves you and if he didn't.. Then he's gunna be ready for a rude awakening.

Journey: He wouldn't do that.

Maya: I'll talk to him tonight... I'm so scared, I don't wanna be heartbroken.

Mahogany: You won't girl! Stay strong! Love you 💗

I locked my iPhone then put it back in my purse and me and Cam talked about his upcoming events.

Maya's POV

Well tonight's going to interesting.. I didn't want to do this, I have no choice tho. Jack loves me? He couldn't possibly do this. I was prepared for the romance movies, tears, tissues, and being a loner for the rest of my life.

Today we went to the beach and played some volleyball then headed back to the hotel around 6pm for dinner.

Me and Jack were gunna go to another restaurant, so I can tell him everything. I was in the elevator with all the girls and on my way out I gave them the smirk and nodded my head, so they got the plan. Me and Jack intertwined out fingers. He could tell something was wrong, all last night and all this morning he kept asking me.

Jacks POV

Something was really off with Maya. I've been getting pretty pissed off with it. I stopped and spun her around to face me.

"Okay.. I'm getting annoyed, why are you acting so off?" I say.

"Nothing is wrong? I'm perfectly fine." She says with an annoyed look.

"No! Tell me now" I say yanking her arm.

"You really wanna know?! I'm pissed off because I need to know the fact that you didn't cheat on me! Because when You and Cam came out of the bathroom Journey said she seen one of the boys with brown hair making out with some fan! And I don't wanna be hurt by you." She says yelling in my face.

My jaw absolutely dropped because of the words the she just said. Why would she even do this to me?

"You actually think that I would do this to you? I would never. I'm not that type of guy? Do you honestly think I would do that? I love you Maya and I always will. And you know that. You're my absolute everything" I say while holding her hand.

"Then who could it be? Cameron said he did-" She says.

"I know who did it actually. He promised me not to tell either of the guys or girls.."

A/N Hope you guys are enjoying the story (:

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