Chapter 1

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He was my best friend's childhood crush... she prayed every day and wished on every star that he would be her soulmate once we got older. But there was one problem, no matter how hard she tried to change the future...she failed. She cried for days after she got her soulmate tattoo, but she wasn't devastated about who she got. She got my brother Taeyong, which meant she would become part of my family now.

Anyway, that was 2 years ago, I am turning 18 in 2 days but I'm not excited like I should be....I'm nervous because once I turn 18 I will get my soulmate tattoo and I will finally know who is my life long partner. The only difference is that for boys they can get theirs at any time so they don't have an exact age but most of them get them when they are about 15 I think I don't remember that well. Girls normally get theirs when they are 18 some have gotten them sooner and some have gotten them later but no later than 20. If you don't get your tattoo once you turn 20, that normally means that your soulmate has chosen someone else or you simply don't have one. Anyway, the thing about the soulmate tattoos is that your partner could either be a girl or a boy. I have guy friends who got boy soulmates and they couldn't be happier. And the same thing with some of my girlfriends and members in my group. 

Anyway, Taeyong and Momo's wedding is in 3 days. They thought it would be cute to get married on my birthday but I said it should be their own special day so they are getting married the day after my birthday. I am her maid of honor and my brother's ex-boyfriend's best friend, Jungkook, is Taeyong's best man. I thought it would have been awkward for Momo since she had a huge crush on Jungkook when we were kids but I guess not since she is okay with him being Taeyong's best man. 

I still think it is awkward for him to be at the wedding since he is Taeyong's ex-boyfriend's best friend but apparently when Taeyong was dating his ex, they got closer and now they are best friends since his other best friend is also getting married. His wedding is in Thailand since her family is there. But anyway if Taeyong and Momo are ok with him being at the wedding then that is their choice.

 My problem is that my worst enemy is the one and only Jeon Jungkook. He is just so cocky and was rude to Momo when he found out she liked him. So ever since then, I have hated his guts and he seems to enjoy annoying me. I seriously feel bad for whoever got him as a soulmate since he already has a tattoo. I asked him a couple of times to see it but he keeps yelling at me not to look at it.

Anyway enough about my hatred for Jungkook, today is the last day of my senior year of high school. I am so excited that it is finally over. Tomorrow I will be free from having to get up at like 6 in the morning. Anyway, I got up from my bed and started to get ready for school and graduation by doing my hair and makeup.

After I finished, I took a selfie like I have been doing every first and last day of school since I got my phone. It is a tradition I started to see how much I changed over the years. (Picture up top) Anyway, after getting prepared for the day I went downstairs to the dorm and ate some breakfast before heading out for school. I said goodbye to my unnies, grabbed my book bag and left for the car that will drive me to the university. After arriving I was ushered into the area for the girls to wait in before the ceremony. After about 3 or so hours of waiting, we were finally led by our homeroom teachers to the hall where the graduation was being held. After about a 1 hour ceremony we finally graduated and were allowed to leave early.

 I was exiting the building when I heard my name being called by multiple voices. I looked to my right to see my brother, Momo, both of their groups and BTS there waiting for me. I made my way through the crowd over to them. I started laughing as Momo and the rest of our group tackled me into a group hug to congratulate me. After the long suffocating embrace, I was let go only to be enveloped into another group hug by all of NCT then afterwords a few hugs from members of BTS.

 After the whole 20 minutes of congratulating and hugs, we decided to go and have dinner with all of us since apparently BTS is now part of our friend group. In my opinion, I wanted them to leave, well...just one of them but I knew that would be rude to say in front of everyone so I swallowed my pride and allowed them all to come. After we decided on where we wanted to eat we all left to our dorms to get changed for dinner and said we would all meet at the restaurant.

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