Chapter 30: Magical Trap

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—Avengers Tower—

Tony and Bruce were still working on the suit but after a few minutes, they took a break. As always, Tony offered Bruce the usual strawberry while resting. While looking out the glass, Bruce noticed the big belly of Wanda.

"How the hell did she get so fat?" Bruce asked, using his pen to point at Wanda.

"You don't know yet?" Tony continued to chew on his blueberry, "She's pregnant, man."

"What?!" Bruce took another glance at Wanda's belly, "Let me guess... Strange?"

"Hell no." Tony laughed, "It's Capsicle."

"So Steve's not a virgin?" Bruce said while Tony stood there chuckling.

"Yeah, he's no longer a virgin." Tony smiled, walking back to the suit, "Almost done. Do you think we can sneak in some vibranium?"

"We can try but are you sure it can blend well with the nanites?" Bruce said

"That's why let's try. To see if it will work." Tony rolled his eyes, "Can you at least take risks Banner."

"Yeah I can." Bruce looked through the glass and saw Steve and the other Avengers take a Quinjet, "Where are they going?"

"They'll be back soon." Tony sighed and looked at the unfinished suit, "Let's finish this."

—6 hours later—

Sam landed the ship on a helipad and opened the landing bay. Rocket, Quill, Steve, and Wanda went outside the ship while Sam stayed inside.

"Is it really this empty in Shibuya?" Wanda asked as they looked around.

"Half of the universe is dead, I would expect that this place would be empty." Rocket replied, getting his scanner out. "I count eight unidentified heat signatures."

"Then identify them," said Steve, bringing his shield out. "Before they identify us."

"Smart thinking, Captain." Rocket sarcastically said, pressing buttons on the scanner, "Those alien races you guys fought a few years ago. Their here."

"Where exactly?" Quill asked

"There..." Rocket stopped talking when the scanner started beeping, "Right here."

Steve and Quill started looking around while everyone else was wandering. The Chitauri were right there, says the scanner. Quill looked up in the sky and called Steve.

"Is that a plane?" Quill asked, pointing at the figure in the sky.

"Yeah, that's a plane." Steve answered, as he looked at the open sewer hatch, "Should that be open?"

"That shouldn't be..." Wanda said until the ground started rumbling, "open."

"Get down!"

Rocket got hurt the most since he was directly under the explosion which sent him through a glass window. Steve and Quill quickly got up while Wanda was still standing. Many Chitauri came from the ground and the Avengers got into position.

Around fifteen Chitauri ri ran towards Steve and Quill and four ran at Wanda. Wanda used everything around her, metal poles, cars, billboards to throw at the Chitauri. Steve threw his shield in many places while Quill used his jet pack and blasters to shoot from far away.

"Here..." Quill grabbed a grenade from his small bag, "this should stop them."

The grenade landed in the middle of the Chitauri and sucked them all up in a circle. They then exploded into many pieces.

"You ok?" Steve asked Wanda.

"I'm pregnant..." Wanda passed Steve, "And I'm more fine than you."

Steve looked at Quill, "Let's just find out what's under there."

The sewer was dirty and was loaded with weapons of the Chitauri. There was trails of blood leading to a small room inside the sewer. Steve and Quill leaned in to hear the conversation while Wanda and Rocket watched their backs.

"Tell me where Stark is and we won't hurt you anymore?" The man assured, leaning towards someone tied up to the chair.

Quill leaned a little more forward and saw Natasha, Reed and Pietro tied up to a chair.

"You're a sorcerer." Natasha chuckled, "Find it out yourself."

Mordo stood up and placed his hand on his head in annoyance. He couldn't get anything out of the three besides going to hell. Mordo made a sword and placed it on Pietro's neck.

"If you do not answer me, I'll slice his throat wide open." Mordo said

"Just do it," Pietro said, "I'm too quick for you."

Mordo used his powers to stop Pietro from moving. He prepared to slice his neck until Wanda stopped him from doing it.

"Hands off my brother." Wanda said, appearing from the dark with the others.

"The Scarlet Witch." Mordo said, as he saw the others standing beside her, "Captain America. The raccoon with weapons and... who are you?"

"How many times do I have to save the galaxy so I could get recognise. You know Rocket but not me." Quill said

"Because I'm the captain, Quill." Rocket laughed, "I'm more badass than you."

"Take your time to speak, because this will be your last words." Mordo said, creating shields on his hands.

"Over my dead body."

Steve threw his shield at Mordo but he teleported it from behind him and knocked Steve out. Quill and Rocket started shooting but Mordo created a shield on front of him which ricocheted the bullets away. After all of the bullets, Mordo made four walls around Quill and Rocket and it started to close in.

"If you are quick enough, you can save them all." Mordo smiled at Wanda.

"You're giving me too much time." Wanda said, surrounding red mist around Mordo's body.

She threw him to the wall but Mordo made a portal going behind Wanda. They both collided and Mordo created a cube of energy. He threw it to Wanda and she grabbed it with red mist. She threw it at him and she held him down with red mist. All of the damage Mordo did was gone.

"How does it feel to be held down now, asshole." Quill chuckled while standing up. The others looked at him, "What?"

"What is he talking about?" Reed whispered to Natasha.

"He takes drugs." Natasha answered and chuckled.

"I see. I hope he'll be ok." Reed worryingly said which made Pietro laugh.

But the fun was over when they heard ships above them. At first they thought it was backup and then they heard screaming. Steve got up and untied the three as they made their way up.

"What's going on?" Steve asked. When they reached the top, hordes of Chitauri were running down the streets. "Sam, a visual."

"There's a lot on- ah!" Sam said until Steve heard a Chitauri rifle.

"Oh God."

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