Chapter 1: The letter

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I never get letters but this letter was meant to me I know it, when I opened the letter I thought that someone made a mistake but when I read it, it was scary and I knew I need to meet the person that sent me this letter. The person that made this letter didn't say his name or his address he just said: "you will know who I am when you will want to know" but I didn't understand it because I really wanted to know, when I got more letters like that about my family and about a killer I thought about it and he was right I really didn't want to know who is the killer I really wanted him to leave me alone but I didn't want to think about or to think that I know this psychopath. When my family came to eat with me, dinner I was scared that something would happen, but nothing happened it was an ordinary with a family, but then my mom said: "Are you ok?" at first I didn't notice but then I saw that I didn't thatch my food at all and everyone almost finished and we had a rule until the last person finishes to eat no one gets out of the table until the last person finishes to eat, but if he has a good excuse than he can get out of "family dinner". I don't like family dinners because it's strange and no one likes it. When I finished my food my mom came to me and said: "remember you have an exam tomorrow so sleep now", I told her I will but I still had a lot on my mind so I just read the letters again and again until something got to me everything that was written all the letters are from... *fire alarm* my mom called me to go out of the house but I knew I was so close but my mom just took me and I couldn't resist at all. When I came to my room, again I saw that my room was on fire! And I already forgot what I wanted to do so I went to my mother and fathers bed and slept there. When I woke up, I remembered that I just understood that the letters are familiar because the letters are from a book that my parents read to me one time. *loud noise* "So you found the letters now you know who we are! Or do you?" he/she were right I didn't know who they are or did I because it needs to be someone that knew me for a long time.

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