Chapter 2: The Person From the Photo

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When I came home from school I saw something strange we didn't have are mail box anymore, I called my mom but she said that she doesn't know what happened and that maybe it flew when the wind was very strong, but I knew that the wind wasn't so strong and that means that my mom knows something or she wants me not to know something. So when she went to shower I was in her room and I was looking for a letter, why? I don't know but I had a feeling that she has one of my letters and she doesn't want me to find it. When we are supper, my mom was acting strange and I didn't like it at all. My dad came also and that was something that doesn't happen a lot so I was happy but I thought maybe my mom told him about the letter that she saw and I didn't, but I didn't think about it I tried to have a regular sapper with my family. The food looked great my mom made my favorite food... my dad brought like a painting that he said it was a photo and then I saw that we never had something like that and he said someone gave him the photo when he came home he said it was a present from a close friend, for a second my mom and I were on fool crazy mod, that meant my mom new what the letter means and that the person that wrote the letter is the person from the photo. My dad of curse didn't understand why we were so crazy and why we wanted to take the painting and burn it and also to look if he put  momand I were on fool crazy mod, that meant my mom new what the letter means andthat the person that wrote the letter is the person from the photo. My dad ofcurse didn't understand why we were so crazy and why we wanted to take thepainting and burn it and also to look if he put secrets on it.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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