Star Hopping [1] Place: The Gods Haven

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???'s P.O.V.

"How dare she betray us? How dare they let her REDEEM herself? I'll stop her from doing it ever again! I'll save the rest of us."

Mother Natures P.O.V.

I looked down at a withering flower. "You poor thing." I reached my hand to the flower, magic flowed out of my hand. The flower slowly rose, before I could finish Nephele slammed the door open.

"Hi, Nephele. Is something wrong?" His head hung low, gazing at the ground. Blood welled out of scratches. "Let me heal you! What happened?" I exclaimed, running over to him.

"Do you remember my name?" Nephele looked up at me, straightening his posture into a sit position. "Nephele?" I answered slightly confused, "I've been saying your name this whole time I mean-"

"Όχι. Ο δικαστής και ο μόνος θνητός ικανός να νικήσει τους άλλους θεούς εκτός από τον διάδοχό μου." (No. The judge and the only mortal capable of defeating the other gods except for my successor) Nephele growled back at me. I jumped back in surprise, "No. You didn't kill any! Did you?" Disbelief edged my voice.

"Your right. I didn't, not to any gods at least. But as the Judge, I don't trust you. And those guards wouldn't let me pass. Αλλά δεν τους έχω σκοτώσει(But I did not kill them). But that doesn't mean I won't do that to you." 

I walked backward away from him. I raised vines from the ground, blocking his path. Between the vines, I saw Nephele's k-9 tooth grow long, like the sabertooth's long ago. The only problem there is that he is no Sabertooth, he a hybrid, wolf-griffin. Or as others call it... Woofin's.

Woofin's are known to have great wisdom and judgment. On top of that, they're the only animals who could take the position as a judge. 

Nephele, the strongest mortal. Given an extra long tooth, like no other woofin. The most deadly, and the most patient, if he's mad at you, it's for a very good reason. He threw himself at the vines, tearing them apart very quickly. His mint colored fur flashed past the vines and appeared in front of me. 

His dark cyan eye's shimmered brightly, somehow, almost blinding. My only chance! I thought as I raised my hand, and summoned woofins distant ancestors. The strongest wolf and the strongest yet wisest Griffin in the universe.

"Help!" I yelled to the animals. Nephele snapped his gaze towards the newcomers. 

"Oh, hello. I know you... both. Don't you remember me? I helped you both once before." Nephele let his fur lie flat, and his gaze calm. He spoke in their both of their languages, but seen as I am Mother Nature, I understand what they're saying.

"Yes... I remember." The Griffin said slowly.

"Yeah." The wolf glared at me while talking, it certainly wasn't a friendly gaze. He knows them? Did he help them? Did I make a mistake bringing them here?

"Help me KILL this traitor then. I'm sure you've done it when hunting, this is no different. Just PREY." Nephele angled his ears towards me in a snarl.

"Hmm." The Griffin looked thoughtful, which lessened my worry for a moment. 

"How about' you tell me what they did." The wolf stood up next to Nephele gazing at the challenging Griffin. Nephele... bigger than the wolf, and twice the size of the Griffin, maybe even a bit bigger, but Nephele still ever so slowly growing in height.

"No help me! I'm Mother Nature! I created you all! If I'm dead a balance will be broken." I spoke their language, the wolf looked surprised, while the Griffin seemed interested.

"Ok. I'll help you." The Griffin immediately sided with me.

"Traitor!" Nephele hissed angrily. "Kill them!" 

The wolf looked at me, his gaze gave away nothing. The wolf charged for the Griffin but the Griffin grabbed the wolf by the scruff, sinking her teeth into him. The wolf yelped in pain and the Griffin flung the wolf towards a wall. As the wolf hit the pillar, the male wolf grunted in pain.

I hate to see my animals fighting, especially for me. The wolf shakily got to his paws. His gaze sharp, even more determined. My gaze flicked back to the Griffin. As the Griffin prepared for the wolf's follow up, she didn't see Nephele creeping up behind her.

"Watch out!" I yelped out in alarm. The Griffin's gaze swapped to me, then followed to where I was pointing. Reacting quickly, the Griffin flew upwards. The wolf sprinted forwards, but I summoned my vines and tripped the wolf.

Nephele quickly flew in the air, aiming a blow at the Griffins chest. As Nephele hit the Griffins chest the Griffin struck back, with a paw smack to the head. Knocking Nephele to the ground. The wolf finally got out from the tangle of vines and lunged at the flying Griffin.

The wolf's teeth sunk into the Griffins wing. The Griffin let out a roar of pain and ungracefully slunk to the ground. I shot needles and vines at the wolf. Flowers grew on the vines, that wrapped around the wolf. As the flowers grew closer to the end of the vine, the Griffin continued fighting with Nephele.

Nephele bit down on the Griffins neck. The Griffin screeched in pain, then turned to Nephele and slashed Nephele's neck leaving a fatal gash. The Griffin stumbled over to me, tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll live." The Griffin paused for a moment and looked back at Nephele who laid bleeding out on the ground. "I don't think he will."  The Griffin looked back at me.

"What's your name?" I asked the Griffin. "I'm Pike. And your Mother Nature right?" Pike asked, and I nodded in return.

"I can heal you. Will you let me?" I asked Pike, her white ruffled fur shown brightly in the big corridor.

"Of course. I-where's--" A flash of light cyan fur flashed past me. A second later, it slowed biting into Pike's spine. Pike turned back in surprise, pain clouded her eye's. As I reached to heal Pike, Nephele pulled her away from me. Then slashed his claws at my right eye. As I was losing vision I remember when the gods were talking, they mentioned Nephele's relentless determination, the only way to surpass it was with another creature of that same determination or stronger, but right now I knew I couldn't win this battle so I might as well try to survive it instead.

I covered my eye before I could heal it, I was pushed to the floor, a big paw with extended claws was placed on my neck.

The claws dug into my neck, I gasped for breath. The claws dug deeper into my skin, I gagged on blood that welled in my throat. Then the paw was ripped out from my neck. As my vision blurred I caught sight of a black silhouette lunging for Nephele. The silhouette snapped at Nephele's throat and succeeded, the silhouette also slashed at Nephele's eyes. It seemed that they were trying to blind him.

It certainly wasn't Pike. A loud echo sounded through the hallway. Vintage goggles laid next to me, "You... Be the next judge." I grabbed the goggles, with the last of my strength I made the goggles golden and reached for the withering flower. It became full of life, it turned out to be one of the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen.

"Stargold. Thank you."

Blackness consumed my vision. Emptiness is all there is. The same flower appeared in front of me. I looked next to it and saw a new flower growing next to it. Same colored stem, and leaves.

My voice echoed through the emptiness.

If it's true, take care of them.

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