Bye everyone! xc

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Genys pov:

Morning already?! Noo!!! I cant believe it!

Wait. So was it all a dream? I didn't get in a fight with cam? Oh.. I did.. Its just Steven thats hugging me. I know its wrong but it just feels right! I felt Steven move..

Steven: good morning ba- Geny!

Geny: good morning Steven.

I remembered today was the day i left to magcon. I went inside the restroom and put on a red tank top shirt that said "scumbag" , black jeans , red vans , put my hair down cause it was all straighten up , and a black and red beanie. I got out of the restroom and Steven was just staring at me.

Geny: umm.. Steven?

Steven: sorry.. Its just that you look beautiful.

Geny: thanks steven!

I walked into my walk in closet and got my suit cases. I walked out the walk in closet and told ethan to take them down. Once he came back he told me he saw cameron sitting on the table eating cereal..

Geny: really? Did he tell you anything?

Ethan: nope!

Geny: ok.

I bend down under my bed and got my blue penny skateboard and my regular skateboard. I take two just for emergencies!

Steven: can i go with you?

Geny: go with me where?

Steven: magcon..

Geny: haha! Sure! Let me ask my boss wait.

I called my boss. My boss seemed really exited cause cameron Dallas also wanted to invite a friend, hayes wanted to too. So he said yes! Once i hang up i yell! I yell of excitement that Steven can go!

Geny: ahhhhh!!!

Steven: what?

Geny: he said yes!!

Steven: YEA BABY!!! But i need clothes..

Geny: just wear mine. I wear boy stuff! This tank top shirt is yours stupid!

I showed him his red tank top shirt i was wearing XD

Steven: no wonder i couldn't find mine!

Geny: hahahahha!

Ethan: well ill miss you Geny..

Geny: ill miss you too Ethan..

Ethan then told us his goodbyes and left home.. I went downstairs with Steven by my side.

Cam: good morning..

Geny: good morning.

Steven: good morning.

Geny: cam.. Its time to go. The limo

Is waiting for me. Its gonna drop us off at the airport.

Cam: my stuff is outside already..

Geny: ok.

Steven: I'm starving!

Geny: me too!

Cam: theres donuts next to the toaster..

Geny: hurry get one and lets go! C'mon cam!

We all ran out the house and into the limo. The body guards were getting our stuff and putting them in the trunk.

Cameron knows i like sitting at the very end on the limo, but he decided to sit next to the door. So Steven sat next to me at the very end of the limo. It was getting kind of boring cause the airport is 20 min away from where we are. So i pulled out my phone and connected my head phones on my phone, i put music on and slipped a head phone onto my ear , i gave Steven the other one. Cameron didn't say a word the whole way. He just stared out the window.

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