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      It was the last day of our holidays and my mom finally showed up. She looked exhausted, her heavy workload was telling off on her.

I didn't get why she had to work so much when it was just the two of us she had to carter for. What was the point in earning all that money if she didn't get the time to enjoy it?

She hugged me tight and the apologies wasted no time in flying out of her mouth. I smiled fondly as I watched her ramble, she paused when she noticed I was smiling.

'What's funny? You are supposed to be mad at me'. She said, wearing a confused expression.
'Of course I'm mad at you but I totally understand plus your apology has gone a long way in pacifying me'. She smiled easily.

'Well if that's all it takes I guess there was no need for buying all these snacks, I'll just take them home and eat them by myself'. She said smirking while pointing at the bag which sat on the hood of her car. I ran and picked it up, peering inside to find all the junks I had learnt from Abike to love.

'Thank you'. I said smiling.
Abike and I got into the car while our mothers stood talking for awhile. They finally got into the car and I was grateful that Mrs Dapo didn't think to re_enlighten us on the importance of good conduct this time.

       When we got to the school, Henrietta was waiting by the gate. We'd agreed to arrive before 10:00am but it seemed she couldn't take anymore of her annoying baby sister. I found it hard to believe there was anyone more annoying than Hen.

'Barbie!' She screamed once I opened the door, falling inside, causing me to fall on Abike. 'I've missed you babies so much'.
'Babies?' Abike and I said in unison.
'Hen? Can you maybe get off?' I asked.
'Oh yeah, Sorry'. She said rising, allowing Abike and I get out of the car.
'You got prettier barbie and look at you Bike, you got cuddlier!'

Leave it to Hen to comment on Abike's weight without sounding condescending.
'How long have you been out here?' Abike asked.
'Thirty minutes, maybe an hour'. Henrietta said nonchalantly.
'Why didn't you just go inside?'
'I was waiting for you two, durh. Now let's go in'.

We got to the administrative block where we met Marcel searching students belongings for contrabands and Chris seated beside him, listening to music on his iPod.

'Hey Chris'. Henrietta greeted flirtatiously and I rolled my eyes almost in sync with him.
'Why are you the one searching? I thought the prefects had that honor'. Abike questioned.
'Well the prefects didn't feel like it so they let us have the honors'. Chris replied taking off his headset.

'Aren't electronic gadgets supposed to be contrabands?' I asked.
'Well this one isn't'. He said with a sly grin that I wanted to slap out of his face.

'Welcome back brown eyes'. Marcel said with a smile that revealed his broken tooth but didn't manage to reach his eyes.

'Thank you. Hope your holidays were good?' I returned with a false smile of my own. He nodded, his smile not wavering.

'Well, since we're such good friends why bother with due but unnecessary process? You can head to the hostel right away, I know you are all law abiding students'.

Abike scoffed.
'Come on let's go, it's not everyday one gets a taste of Marcel's geniality'. She said dragging me along and I followed gladly.

'What's their problem?' I asked when we were out of earshot.
'Life. Those suckers just need to die'. She said.
'Abike!' Henrietta and I jeered.
'Sorry, they just really annoy me sometimes'.

We got our key and headed for our room. Rose, the prefect who was supposed to share our room with us since from the first term never showed up and the authorities forgot to assign another prefect to take her place so it was just the three of us.

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