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It was the longest holidays in history, tortuously so but at least Marcel swept the living room every morning, one more reason for my mom to further adore him. I had a lot of free time but not a lot to do unlike Marcel who seemed to be busy all the time. He joined the other boys in the neighborhood to play soccer almost every evening and when he wasn't out with Chris, he was in his room, painting, I realized.

Kunle's was letting him have his space so the house was usually free of guarded screams. Abike was finally well enough to visit according to her mother and I was always grateful for her goofiness, she was even getting along with Marcel.

I didn't exactly miss school, of course I missed the constant activity but I didn't miss the bells and assignments. I missed my friends, even as we spoke on the phone regularly, it wasn't the same. We had left the tension undissolved and it was making our distance seem farther.

Eventually, the holidays came to an end and this time, Marcel couldn't skip the ride with both our parents. They banished us to the backseats while they spent the entire ride holding hands and making what Marcel called 'old people jokes'.

The stares we got were obvious, they weren't even trying to hide it. I knew people talked about Marcel and I but seeing us get out of the same car and our parents being all Bonnie and Clyde was a new conversation starter.

We were on a new floor but my roommates hadn't changed. I wondered why Ms. Flora paid any mind to Mrs. Dapo but the woman could be scary. Henrietta was in the room when I got in with her younger sister who was her perfect contrast in combat pants and a stylish haircut.

She greeted me with a wave at the same time Henrietta catapulted herself into my arms and dropped strawberry scented kisses all over my face.

"I almost got a heart attack when I saw I had a new room but I'm so glad we are still roomies". She said.
"Yeah, me too". I replied, dumping my back on the top bed of the unoccupied bunk.
"The room is still bare but I'm gonna get my stuff from our old room and glam this place up".

She pulled her sister out of the room with her and when she returned with the decors, she was alone. She immediately began redesigning our room and telling me stories I wouldn't remember while I arranged our belongings.

Vivian was the last to enter our new room and by then, Hen was somewhat done with the decorations.
"Wow!" She said from the door and we indulged in a brief scream off as she danced into the room.

"Honestly, I was praying for new roommates". She said with her hands on her waist as she let her bags drop to the ground.
"Shut up. You are miserable without us". Abike replied, offering the first hug that was taken, albeit sluggishly.

Now that the whole squad was in, the juiciest stories were thrown out, from Abike's new phone to Hen's pet project on beauty products and Marcel's secret girlfriend; it was Abike who told that one, I knew nothing about it.

Vivian said things had improved with her parents. They weren't totally ignoring her anymore but they weren't entirely friendly either. So far, SS3 was looking nice.

* * *

Some things change, some never do and right now I was looking at a big change on Christopher Lawal's desk. The box of chocolate was enough to feed the entire class. Slightly annoyed, I walked to my seat and the sight of Rasheed already engrossed in a book slammed a little smile on my face.

"You told me you didn't do any reading during the holidays. Strictly fun?" I said as I sat.
"Holidays are over". He flicked a page without a glance in my direction.
"So, strictly business now".
"You could say that". He tried to keep a straight face.

"You don't look bad, I prefer when you were having papers for breakfast daily though". He let the smile show.
"You don't look bad too, Amanda".
"You would know". I let a few beats pass.
"How the hell is Becca skinnier?"

His head immediately flew towards the entrance of the class and strayed to me when he realized he got played. I couldn't help the laughter.
"Oh, so you want to see your skinny little crush eh?"
"Not my crush". He said sternly
"Of course, just the object of your fantasy".
"You've become corrupted". He accused and I shrugged.

When Becca walked into the class a few minutes later, Rasheed wasn't the only one staring. Of course she was still in her element and cloaked with an aura of bitchery but along with it was a few extra pounds.

I went to the cafeteria with Rasheed and we were already halfway into our snacks when Marcel strolled in and took the seat beside me. He took a bite from my half eaten sandwich and I let him but this didn't sit well with Rasheed.

"That is rude". He stated.
"Not if she doesn't complain, mouthpiece".
"Of course she wouldn't complain, it's Amanda".
"Suddenly, you know her so well".
"Not suddenly... "
"Boys!" I called, putting a hold on the toxic show of masculinity.

"We can all pretend to be matured or I can leave you both to your verbal brawl".
"As long as I get the sandwich". Marcel said, taking another bite from the snack he still hadn't put down.

"Like I was going to keep eating something that has been in your mouth".
He proceeded to make chewing sounds in my ear while Rasheed swallowed his words with his yoghurt.

A tray clattering on the table alerted me of Henrietta's presence. She took the seat beside Rasheed.
"Hopefully this junk is enough to drown all that shrine talk in tourism class. Did you guys know that shrines are tourism sites? Who even wants to go to a shrine for fun?"

"The chief priest?" That was Marcel.
"Why is Marcel here?" The question was directed at me.
"My thought exactly". Rasheed backed.
"Ah, I feel the love". The moron said, snatching Rasheed's yoghurt.
I had never seen Rasheed so irritated and it was amusing to watch.

"You could have just gotten your own snack". I pointed out.
"There is joy in sharing, browny". He tilted the box higher so that all its content poured into his wide mouth.
"Not everything. I don't want to be sharing my beauty products". Hen said before taking her first bite.

"Henrietta, darling, no one wants to share your beauty products with you". I smirked
Rasheed chuckled lightly while Marcel grinned.
"The organic ones? I heard about those". From Abike, surely.
I preferred when they didn't like each other. Now it was like she told him everything.

"Y'all are just hating on my flawless skin". She boasted.
"You've always had flawless skin, Hen. Those mixtures have nothing to do with it". I said
"I know". She beamed with pride. "But Chris said I glow differently now".

I saw Marcel's jaw tick at the mention of his bestfriend. Suddenly, he couldn't look at Henrietta anymore.
"Well, Christopher Lawal lies".

Hopefully I can get another chapter out today...
Thanks for the comments and votes😊

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