Chapter 2

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"You are joking right?" I screamed at my parents who looked back without a hint of regret in their eyes. "Him! Why him? Why that bat breathed, evil, conniving bastard?" Is that why he was being nice to me last night? Is that we had...? Oh God, he planned this! Who does he think he is!? If I ever see that horridious dipstick dwarf again going to rip that stupid little smirk right off his face and shove it so far up his ass he'll finally be able to taste the shit coming out of his mouth."Calm down, Alexis. It's not as--"

"Calm down? You just told me about to be forced into dating the asshole sociopath that is Cole Vondran and you want me to calm down!?" I screamed, starting to pace across the Grand hall like a deranged lunatic. "ALEXIS ANNA MARIE CROMWELL! Don't you DARE use that foul language with me, young lady or dating Cole won't be the worst of your problems!" My Father scolded. 'Alex! Please, stop them from doing this. I don't think I can control myself much longer. ' I hear Mary mind linking to me. I looked across to see her eyes pitch black and her fangs protruding out. "Stop!" I signalled Mary out to my parents. As a fledgling, her being angry could be possibly disastrous. She stood against the wall, anger still eminent on her face. "What are you all looking at?! Oh yeah, how could I forget? It's Carters Vondrans new personal puppet!" Mary shouted. Her hair starting to whirl as her special ability kicked in.

Oh yeah, I should probably clarify the whole fledgling thing. It's kind of like Vampire puberty. Up til the age of 14 all vampires are human until there birthday, then they start the cycle. Mary is now 15 and is gained most of her powers including the added bonus of a special power. The power to control wind and fire. But now she is drawing to the end of her transition the blood lust is kicking in.  However, the Cromwells are known for not partaking in the whole drinking blood part of vampirism (much to my Mothers dismay.)  This is because even though most people would think blood helps us, it doesn't. In actuality, Blood is much like alcohol to us. It slows down reaction time. Don't get me wrong, we still need it to you know, live and stuff but not as often as people think. Anywho, because we are trying to stop Mary from depending on blood aka an alcoholic idiot she has these really weird mood swings which gets a little bit out of hand at times because her emotions are hightened.

"Mary? Calm down okay? It's alright." I said, trying to calm her before she dries out another one of the maids. "Why should I!? Why should I pretend to be okay with this?! You hate it too! Why should we sacrifice ourselves for some stupid feud?" Mary questioned, angry as hell.

"I can't do this! Mother, calm her down. I am going for a walk." I said while grabbing my coat, not caring if Mom did it or not. I needed to clear my head from all of this.

I walked outside to see the sun was out and the birds were chirping. It was a complete contrast to how I was feeling. At least my parents bought a house, no wait, a mansion on the outskirts of the city so there wasn't much traffic. I started walking further away from the city and closer to the forrest that was basically our back garden. The peace and quiet of nature always calmed me down. When I was sure nobody could see me I ran into the forrest, looking for the same spot I always go to. When I found it, I slowed again to walking pace.

This was by far, the most beautiful spot in the entire forest. The trees were positioned so it let in a dome of light, there was a small river running across the landscape and the view. The view was so spectacular, it almost made me cry every time. I took a seat under my favourite tree and just let all the bad thing that have happened to me in the last 24 hours melt away.

Right, let's think logically here. This arrangement isn't that bad, I mean I guess I could learn to tolerate him a bit more if I really tried. He's not that bad of a guy, I guess I just hate him so much that my anger clouded my judgement of him. Oh, who am I kidding? Madonnas going to spread wings and fly off into the sunset before I become okay with this! Suddenly my phone started vibrating in my coat pocket. Ha! It was Cole. Of course.

"What?" I said, irritably. This was NOT the time.

"Well, it's nice to hear you too," Cole replied sarcastically. "Well I guess you've found out about our parents little arrangement."

"How long have you known about this Cole?" I asked, anger lacing my tone.

"Yesterday actually, and let me tell you I was so pissed that I broke my Grandmothers vase and threw a party to spite my Father."

"So that's why you threw the party. Then why were you sooo... nice to me? Well, nicer than normal anyways." I queried.

"I thought that if I was going to have to date you I might as well have some fun and going by last night, I think we're definitely going to have fun" Cole said suggestively. I can just imagine that trademark smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah, about last night. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" I screeched. I've been wondering how we ended up sleeping together all day, even with the shellbomb my parents hit me with.

"Well, do you want the short version or the long one?" Cole said calmly.

"Long version please. I need to know every detail of last night."

"Okay, you asked for it. So, the party was in full swing...

I was drinking away my problems with a mix of vodka and blood and was feeling pretty tipsy, that's when you fell into my arms. Completely pissed.

" COLE!!!! It's my Coley! D-did I ever tell you t-that you're like super totes hot when I'm drunk?" you said to me sloppily.

" Oh Really? What happened to ' I hate you Cole' " I replied,  amused. You were so adorably drunk it was almost sad.

"Aww, Coley. I could never hate youu! You're my Babybumboytoy!" You shouted, turning 5 heads in our direction as you groped my face for some strange reason.

" Alex! We promised not to speak of that, I was 4!" I shouted angrily, covering your mouth. Then you took my hand away, made out with me, very passionately might I add and walked off.

Then things got strange.

You started hypnotising guys to dance for you so I took you upstairs so you wouldn't expose us to the humans. "Coleyy! Why did ya bring me here?" You asked, still clearly drunk. " I brought you here because y-your too drunk, my little pwincess!" I said, slightly drunk myself.

" Awww! You big party pooper! I wanna have fun, isn't tha-this a partay?"

"C'mon, you can't party when you expose your specilable powers!" I attempted t explain. That's about the time you kissed me again. It started of sweet and kind, drawing me in but then it was more ferocious and demanding. You kissed me like the world was going to end. I must say that you are a great kisser even when drunk, Conrats! Anyways, then you started stripping down into your lingerie saying stuff like "Does little Coley want a treat?" and "You've been a bad boy." That was a little wierd. Then you jumped me. You pushed me on the bed, took of my jeans and boxers and started to urmm...grind on me. It was amazing by the way. You screamed my name so loud I swear the neighbors heard and yes, I screamed yours too and I don't EVER do that for girls. I mean you are seriously awesome at this, you did things I could of only dreamed about last night. By far the greatest sex I have ever had. I can't wait to see what you're like sober!"

I....did that!? No. This can't be right! I'm the quiet book worm who occasionally goes to parties. Sure, I was a bit of a slut when I was 15 but I'm not like that now! How the fuck did this happen?!

Oh by the way, I was 15 for like 30 years so don't judge me.

"Cole. You'll never find out what I am like sober, you souldn't have even seen me drunk." I replied calmly. 

"We'll see about that my dear girlfriend." And then he hung up.

Well this is going to suck.


Oh dear, Alex is for a wild adventure.

And what about that Cole? He is one bad boy.

And can you believe that they got jiggy like that? :O

Well, see you next chapter!

 Lidiipopz x

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